Devout Husband And Dad-Of-2, Jason Wilson Shares Secrets Of His 20-Years Blissful Marriage And It Is Heart-Warming

Marriage is sweet if commitment is given to it 100% from each of the couple. Jason Wilson, follower of Yahushua who believes that marriage is not a fifty-fifty affair but a 100-100% affair where a couple individually give their all, is celebrating 20th anniversary of marital bliss with his wife.
The devoted hubby and dad-of-2 who is known for celebrating his wife and kids on his social media page, took to the platform once more to share how they have been making their union work despite the ups and downs.
According to Jason, 48, he married a virtuous woman and they have been allowing God to teach them the importance of the vows they took 20 years ago.
Still on how they have been able to stay married, Jason, a Detroit martial arts instructor, added that they truly love each other and as a result, they have a marriage, not a mirage.
READ ALSO: Marriage is not 50/ 50 – Yahushua Follower Jason Wilson Preaches
”Today my virtuous wife and I joyously celebrate 20 Years of marriage! We are in an amazing place today because we took advantage of God’s grace and allowed Him to teach us why we said, “I do” instead of “I want.”
And now today, our marriage is no longer 50/50 but 100/100—loving each other all the way, instead of meeting each other half way.
Yes, we’ve had our shares of ups and downs—but we NEVER gave up on each other! We chose to face our issues head on instead of sweeping them under the rug for temporal peace. As a result of truly loving each other, we have a marriage, not a mirage.. HalleluYah!
He also shared videos from their church wedding ceremony and captioned it:
”This is the song I created for my wife the night before our wedding. I stayed awake into the morning hours, writing lyrics and music. She was blessed to tears.”
Jason is an advocate of saving boys through the organization called ‘the Cave of Adullam.’ It is a male Transformational Training Academy which is based in Detroit Michigan. This organization teaches, trains and transforms boys to grow spiritually and to stay focused.
Last week, the proud dad took to Instagram to celebrate his son’s academic breakthrough:
”My son’s report card finally came and I’m so proud of him! He struggled the first half of the school year. As the work and distractions increased, his grade point average decreased to his lowest ever (2.6).
But he vowed that he would work hard academically and emotionally to raise it—and he did! 3.4GPA!!! #SavingBoys#EmotionalStabilityTraining.”
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Photo credit: Instagram