Why Neo Keitumetse, A Double Amputee Mom-of-twins Is Living Her Best Life

Neo Keitumetse originally from Botswana, South Africa, was born with a congenital defect in her legs which meant she had to get them amputated when she was just five years of age.
When a baby’s arm or leg doesn’t form normally as he or she grows, it probably means that this child has a congenital limb defect and he or she will be born with it. The cause of this defect is yet to be known.
However, this defect doesn’t mean that it can prevent a child from enjoying life. One woman proved that there is no reason why people with a congenital limb defect can’t be happy.
She began a YouTube channel where she posts about cooking, looking after her children and everyday life as a double amputee, as she aims to show other amputees that it is possible to carry out regular motherly duties.
Since she began her channel last year, she has garnered over 6,000 subscribers who regularly tune in to follow her journey. She added:
”I created my YouTube channel in 2018. My main reason was to raise an awareness that because you don’t have legs doesn’t mean you cannot have children.
I wanted to show people that you can have children and that I was able to get a husband that just shows people that not having legs doesn’t not mean that you are not a person, you can still do everything that the other person who have legs can do.”
When discussing her YouTube channel, her husband Garrett said:
”Basically three different types of videos cooking videos vlog videos amputee videos but I think she tries to corporate all those things into her vlog and so it seems like a good mix so far.
She has got a lot of positive comments from Africans and from people who have disabilities and obviously 99 per cent of those comments have been really positive.”
Neo added:
”If I could speak to my younger person I would say you are a person too just because you don’t have legs doesn’t make you different from any other person.
So hold your head up don’t be offended by these people who bully, don’t be offended by them, just go out and just get it.”
Photo credit: Alonso Parra/Barcroft Images