Twitter User, Pearl Shares Her Deadbeat Mom’s Response When She Reached Out To Her 30 Years After She Abandoned Her: ‘I didn’t believe it’

For most people, the mother-child bond is one that is not easily broken. While some people have been lucky to experience the beauty of having the love of a sweet mother, this heartbroken Twitter user identified as @misspearlisto cannot relate.
Miss Pearl recently left many twitter users stunned after sharing her heartbreaking story on the platform. According to Pearl’s tweet, she was abandoned by her mother 30 years ago, when she was still a baby.
Some years later, her father, whom she was left with passed away and was made to live with relatives. After several years, she contacted her mother and the replied she got crushed her into pieces.
Below is her twitter thread:
“My mom left me with my dad in 1989, and she never returned. My dad passed away in 1997, and I had to stay with relatives. So last week, someone saw her and ask for her numbers so that I can call her. I was so happy, I called her immediately. She replied and say “please don’t call me again”.
She even ask if there was no food where am staying? What exactly do I want from her, she knows where she left me, if she misses me she will come look for me, I did not believe it, I felt useless, if my own mother doesn’t love me who Will.”
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In another tweet, she wrote:
“I don’t remember how many times I pray to God and fast asking Him to touch my mum’s heart to remember me, or where she left me and come back, but 30 years later she still hates me for something I don’t even know, I regret praying to know her, she has crushed me into pieces, I really feel worthless.
Like what that can make her even after 30 years, after all I was a baby by then, worse part my dad passed away if he is the one who cause all of this, a mother doesn’t reject her own fruit of the womb, instead she comfort and love.
It will difficult to forgive her now that she is not even interested in knowing me, I will cry it out, eventually I will feel better.
I still cant get over all her words she threw at me, I even bought power hour but the call lasted for 5 minutes, and she hang up. She is so cruel, maybe she was drunk because no woman can say that to a child she left year ago and worse part we don’t know each other. It was our first time talking, but boom no love.”
My mom left me with my dad in 1989,nd she never return,my dad passed away in 1997,and I hv to stay with relatives,so last week someone saw her and ask for her numbers so that i can call her,,I was so happy,I called her immidiately,she replied and say"pls dnt call me again"???
— Pearl ngwenya (@misspearlisto) May 23, 2019