Speed Darlington Calls Out Senator Dino Melaye For Making A Joke Of Peadophilia

The guy everyone loves to hate; America based Nigerian rapper Speed Darlington, has taken to his Instagram page to call out politician, senator Dino Melaye, over his comment about a little girl who was given to him as ”wife” during a ceremony in Okun community of Kogi state.
Dino earlier shared a photo of himself with the young girl given to him as wife and called it a great tradition of the Okun people, although he said it was a cultural joke.
Here’s what he wrote on his Instagram page:
”My Aiyegun wife given to me today. Cultural joke.
Great tradition of the Okun people. Lol”.
Speed Darlington justifiably found the joke distasteful and called the politician out on it. Speed often uses sarcasm to address social ills, but this time around the musician did not see the need to sugarcoat anything and was direct in his reproach of the senator.
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In his post, he said, there was nothing funny about the senator identifying himself with a little girl as gift to him, then went on the say if the senator thought pedophilia was funny, it means he finds it tolerable and much can be learnt about a man from what he considers amusing.
Read what he wrote below:
This is the second time I’m posting this and you may hate me if you like but I need to free my spirit.
They say you can gauge a person mental place based on the things he laughs at.
In Nigeria pedophilia is tolerated but we don’t tolerate abortion.
You see how my people think? It’s okey to have a baby wife but turns around and tell a woman what to do with her body?
#PAP2023 marriage to a person under 17 years old is pure crime ?