Relationship Coach, Solomon Buchi, Prods Women On Sharing Financial Responsibility In Marriage

Nigerian life coach, writer, and radical feminist, Solomon Buchi is known to be in women’s corner more than half of the times, but in a new Instagram post, the motivational speaker had some bitter pill for the women to swallow.
Buchi’s post leaned towards modern adjustments in gender roles that formerly put the entire weight of financial responsibilities on the men and particularly in marriage rites, preparations and establishment of family afterward.
In his post, the self-styled social reformer told women to save for their wedding and marriage, and quit expecting the man to shoulder every financial responsibility. He says, “You are both getting married; he is not adopting you.”
He said both the man and the woman are getting married, and the man is not coming to adopt the woman, therefore they both should be prepared and save towards their plans and future together.
Read words from the photo message below:
“Women, save for your marriage. Save for your wedding too. The man shouldn’t carry every financial responsibility. You both are getting married; he is not adopting you. Save for your wedding. Don’t get into marriage feeling adopted. LOL.”
He captioned the photo:
“Save for your marriage. He’s not coming to adopt you. You both are marrying yourselves.”