7 Subtle Ways To Teach Your Child About Life

We are a product of our experiences and knowledge. A lot of things came together to make us who we are today, but now that we are here, it’s time to help our children have better experiences, attitude, and approach to life without taking over their right to personal freedom and thought patterns.
Here are 7 subtle ways you can impact your child’s life so they have the right tools to navigate life, even better than you did.
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1. Stories
Share your past and current experiences with your kids, as you do so, point out the values and morals of your story. Use stories about yourself or others to teach them values like prudence, hard work, and humility.
2. Teach Them About God
Spirituality is such a big part of human existence. It can be the only light when difficult moments arrive- and they will do. Teaching your child about faith and God will go a long way to help them balance their actions and examine their thoughts and conscience from time to time.
3. Rubbing Minds
By sharing your thoughts and welcoming theirs, your child can get used to expressing themselves on a wide variety of subjects. This can greatly aid their confidence and broaden their knowledge. It’s also a good way to bond with your child and help them diffuse anxiety on subjects that may ordinarily be confusing.
4. Exposure
Expose your child to other kids and people that are not in the same economic class as your family. If you are in the upper economic class, exposing your child to kids from lower classes can teach them humility and if the reverse is the case, you can motivate your child to work in the direction of his dreams and become successful.
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5. Volunteering
For your child’s birthday or as a family tradition, you can visit an orphanage, or kids hospital where they can experience the joy in giving out and reaching out to those in need. By getting your child out of their comfort zone to see for himself the realities of those who are not as privileged as he is, you teach him empathy and help him to grow into a kind individual.
6. Saving
Talk to your child about money and saving. Let him draw a budget for the month and discuss the importance of doing so. Your child is never too young to learn about discipline, even if it is financial.
7. Modeling
Children may not often pay attention to what we say but they are good imitators of what they see. Set good examples for your children and be consistent in doing so. Let the way you run your home, marriage, relationships, career, finance, and so on inspire and teach your child on their path to adulthood.