If You sleep With Married Men, You Have Failed The Feminist Test- Solomon Buchi Highlights All the Terms For Being Feminist

Relationship blogger and feminist, Solomon Buchi has in a new post spelt out the traits of a real feminist and if you sleep with married men or can’t date or marry a man younger than you, or believe in the ‘Ladies first’ cliche among other traits, sorry- you didn’t make the feminist cut.
Feminism according to Buchi is a movement that liberates women from every form of sexism and male chauvinism and if you must say youâre a feminist, be ready for the responsibility!
In a Twitter thread, Buchi spelled out the tell-tale signs of a woman who deems herself a feminist but in fact isn’t. Read through his lengthy description and see where you belong
Itâs time to know real feminists. . You are not a feminist if you still believe that a man has to provide. You arenât a feminist if you think itâs wrong for a man to let you pay for a date that you initiated. YOU ARE NOT A FEMINIST
You are not a feminist if you feel that youâre doing your boyfriend a favor by âgivingâ him sex in a relationship and that he owes you a reward for sex by paying your bills or giving you money. YOU ARE NOT A FEMINIST
You are not a feminist if you feel itâs wrong for a man to hit a woman when she first hit him! Why hit anyone and not ready for violence equally? YOU ARE NOT A FEMINIST
You are not a feminist if canât propose to a man or you find it abnormal for a woman to make the first move. YOU ARE NOT A FEMINIST
You are not a feminist if you canât date or marry a younger man because you consider it weird, and you find it degrading. Honey, youâre not a feminist.
You are not a feminist if you broke shame men. Yes, broke shaming men is like slut-shaming women which both stem from patriarchy. A man is considered less when he is broke and if you ever abuse a man using his financial status, YOU ARE NOT A FEMINIST
You are not a feminist if you believe in the saying: âLadies firstâ. No dear, itâs not ladies first, anyone who gets there first, has it! If a man is asked to stand and youâre asked to sit just because youâre a woman and you sit, YOU ARE NOT A FEMINIST
You are not a feminist if you sleep with married men. I mean the man is already an idiot for disrespecting his marriage and seeking an affair with you but youâre an idiot by accepting it when you know heâs a womanâs husband. You canât be a feminist and be helping men be stupid
Some of you women are only feminists when it favors you; when it comes to paying bills, âuncommercializingâ sex in a relationship, and chivalrous acts, you donât claim gender equality. You want to have your cake and eat it. Taaahhh!
Youâre not a feminist if you see who cry and show soft emotions as weaklings and emasculated. You are not a feminist oh
Feminism is a movement that liberates women from every form of sexism and male chauvinism and if you must say youâre a feminist, be ready for the responsibility! It comes with a responsibility too. Stop claiming feminist only when it suits you. Stop it
A lot of you come online and shout gender equality but you hate paying bills too, you want a man that will pay your bills, you love being treated specially because youâre a woman, you are not a feminist and we know you, we see you aunty! We SEE YOU.