Five Traits Of A Narcissist Female According To Celebrity Mum, Victoria Inyama

Celebrity mum, Victoria Inyama has recently graduated from a UK university and is putting her degree in Social Psychology to good use already. Last week, she shared broad knowledge on the behaviours of narcissistic females but today she shared on five specific traits that give them away as passive or active aggressors.
According to the mum-of-three who had earlier shared that narcissistic females get away with their aggression because they are erroneously deemed to be tough, shared in her new post that an insatiable sense of competitiveness stemming from pathological envy and the need to always be the centre of attention are among the top traits that give narcissistic females away.
Superficiality, materialism and a lack of respect for boundaries in intimate relationships among other negative behaviours are all signs with which such females may be identified. She titled her post ”5 MAJOR TRADEMARKS OF A FEMALE NARCISSIST”
Read her full post:
?…They derive sadistic pleasure at someone else’s pain
?……..They often disregard d boundaries of intimate Relationships, …..Once U fall out or end d relationship, there’s Gaslighting & deception directed at her partner…….she also crosses d boundaries of her Female friendships.?… She’s obsessed with her appearance as well as high level of materialism & Superficiality. ?…….Often sabotages friendships & relationships, stirring chaos within social groups engaging in rumours mongering, smear campaigns & creates ‘triangles’ where she feeds others false or humiliating information about d ‘other’ ?…..
An insatiable sense of Competitiveness, due to pathological envy & d need to be d Center of Attention.
According to Christine Canonvile, When it comes to envy, d narcissistic woman is d most envious..They will spend their entire lives trying to protect their false image. ♦️♦️♦️ Their greatest fears are Exposure & A Victim they cannot
Gender Patterns in Borderline Personality Disorder ‘ Sanson, R.A., & L.A (2011)”
See the original post: