Gospel Singer, Empress Gifty Points Married Women Who Need Advice In The Direction Of Their Mothers Instead Of Pastors | Here’s Why

Award-winning gospel singer, Empress Gifty Adorye has in a new interview discouraged married women who take their marriages seriously from seeking marital advice or solutions from their pastors. Empress’s view sort of suggests that looking to pastors to solve marital problems is akin to a case of the blind seeking to be led by the blind.
For what may seem like taking away the most popular option, the Ghanaian singer and mother-of-two prescribes what she believes to be a more discerning option. She points women going through hard times in their marriages to their mothers, there she believes they will have sound advice and get the courage they need to pull through.
Empress who is in her second marriage sat for an interview with Ghana’s Kofi TV; it was during the interview that she revealed her divorce taught her many valuable lessons, one of which is to never take marital issues to any man of God.
According to her, many pastors have difficult marriages and that their reality taints the help or advice they render. She added that many pastors are secretly divorced from their wives, and only put up an act for their congregation when they come to church.
If you must talk to someone about your marriage, look to your mother, the mum-of-two advised.
She added:
“I tell you, even they, their marriages are on fire, so they use your problems to console themselves. Most of them have problems, most of them have divorced their wives secretly that many people don’t know.
A lot of them have problems but because of the fame they have it’s so hard for them to come public. Most of them have problems, what they put out in church with their wives are all an act, pretense, they pretend a lot.”
Advising women going through problems in their marriage, Empress said they should take time to do a bit of introspection, because this can help them identify what they themselves did to negatively affect their marriage.
She went on to ask women to talk to God and their mothers if they have marital issues, rather than go to pastors.