New Study Finds That Eating This Fruit Could Reduce Wrinkles

If you’re looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, you may want to bypass the skin care aisle and head to the produce section instead.
A recent study found that eating this type of fruit could minimize facial wrinkles. But, the research cautions, you may want to watch your portion size.
The study, published in the journal Nutrients, involved 28 postmenopausal women, with one group eating half a cup of mango four times a week for four months, and the other half consuming a cup and a half for the same time period.
Using a high-resolution camera, researchers assessed facial wrinkles before, during, and after the study timeframe.
The group that consumed the lower amount had significant reductions in wrinkle severity, but here’s the twist: The higher-consumption group showed the opposite effect, with more noticeable wrinkles than when they started just a few months before.
Researchers concluded that more research needs to be done, particularly with a larger group of participants, but this emphasizes that there may be too much of a good thing.
Although they didn’t pinpoint exactly why more mango would be an issue, it’s likely because it has more natural sugars. Dermatologist Jesse Cheung, M.D., founder of Chicago-based Cheung Aesthetics&Wellness says:
“Excess sugar binds to protein in your skin and weakens your collagen. That causes loss of elasticity and makes your wrinkles more prominent.”
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That doesn’t mean skip the mangoes altogether, though. Cheung says a great strategy for your skin is to vary your diversity of fruits and vegetables, and having just a half cup of mango along with other options could give you the protective effect without veering into the wrinkle risk group.
Plus, even just half a cup of mango provides other nutritional benefits apart from skin health, adds dietitian Martha Lawder, RDN, president of the California Academy of Nutrition&Dietetics.
“Mangoes are full of some great vitamins and minerals to improve metabolism, including choline, which is very important to central nervous system function. See it as treat rather than a main component to a meal, and you’ll still get plenty of top nutrients,”
she says.
Not a mango fan? Not a problem. The wrinkles study noted that other orange fruits and vegetables could provide a similar effect.
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This includes oranges, carrots, peaches, tangerines, persimmons, cantaloupe, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes. Like mangoes, all of these foods are rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants that may delay cell damage.
Bottom line: With so many choices, it’s easy to eat an array of wrinkle-proof options. Just remember to keep your portion sizes in check.