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Your Baby Won’t Stop Crying? Try This Paediatrician Approved ‘Hold’ To Calm A Crying Baby

Your Baby Won’t Stop Crying? Try This Paediatrician Approved ‘Hold’ To Calm A Crying Baby

This may be the saving grace all new parents are looking for. An American paediatrician claims to have found a miracle way of holding an infant to make it stop crying.

Being near a crying baby in a public setting can be uncomfortable. But no one feels more uncomfortable in this situation than the parents. For situations like these, pediatrician Dr. Robert Hamilton has developed an expert technique for quieting infants, which he calls “The Hold.”

According to Dr. Hamilton, “The Hold” involves wrapping a baby’s arms across their chest. Parents should hold their baby’s crossed arms in place with one hand, all while supporting their baby’s head.

Then parents should lean their baby slightly forward at a 45-degree angle — so their head is supported — while using their other hand to wiggle the baby’s bottom. It can also be helpful to gently rock the baby.

This method has been shown to be effective in Dr. Hamilton’s practice video. As the video shows, he picks up the child, folds the his or her arms across the chest and holds this tight, lifting the baby’s bottom with the other.

Holding the baby at a 45 degree angle with both hands, he then lifts the baby up and down, rocks it back and forth and ‘shakes the little booty’.

”Everything you do is very gentle, you don’t want to do any jerky motions ever,” Dr Hamilton advices.
”You hold the child with the fleshy part of your hand [the palm] not the fingertips, and I am supporting his chin, which is why I am holding him at a 45 degree angle.”
Pediatric experts have observed that “The Hold” is just an unconventional form of swaddling, which is when a baby is wrapped securely in a blanket. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, swaddling, when done correctly, is also an effective way to calm and soothe a baby.

But it should be noted that “The Hold” won’t work for every baby, and it’s not appropriate for every situation. Dr. Hamilton explains that when “The Hold” isn’t producing results, it could mean that the baby is sick or hungry.

He also notes that this technique is most helpful in the first 2-3 months of a baby’s life. After that, a baby may be too heavy for the position.

After the video went viral, a new mum and dad decided to give it a go, and to their shock, their youngster immediately became silent and stopped crying.

Taking to TikTok, mum-of-three Christy Keane shared a video of the moment, with the caption: “What is this sorcery?”

SEE ALSO: What Could Happen To a Crying Baby When They are Ignored

In the video, she wrote: “We tried the magic hold that is supposed to instantly stop a newborn from crying.”

See Also

The dad is holding the screaming baby in his arms, but turns the little girl over so she is facing forwards.

One hand is under her legs, and the other is supporting her arms and chin at the front, and the dad slowly jiggles her to calm her down.

Within seconds of being in the position, the baby stops crying.

If “The Hold” isn’t right for you or your baby, there are other expert-approved ways to calm a child in distress.

Relaxing sounds, like that of a white noise machine or a recording of a heartbeat, can help a baby calm down. You may have to try a few different techniques until you find the one that’s right for you.

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