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New Mum, Liv Lo Golding Writes Emotional Essay About Breastfeeding Complications And Challenges

New Mum, Liv Lo Golding Writes Emotional Essay About Breastfeeding Complications And Challenges

I’ve learned that an emotionally and self-aware partner is a powerful ally, too.

Your partner sees you go through this journey and transformation and can always lend a helping hand if willing. My partner nourished me so I could nourish our baby. He helped me stand, walk and regain confidence in my body and its abilities.

When I doubted what I could do, he Googled a solution and whispered praises in my ear: “You are doing a good job, mama.”

Speaking with close mama friends also helps me trust my intuition. My mom friends and I laugh, we cry and get emotional, but we always figure it out.

When I look at my body now in the mirror all I see is my baby. I feel like my body has fulfilled its higher purpose — to provide. I no longer fault or judge my body for what it cannot do, because I have seen firsthand the magical creation that it has brought into our lives. A miracle that is us.

Mama instincts are strong, so your intuition is key. Learn to listen to yourself, trust your body and the process. Motherhood is coded in your DNA and you are part of a sacred lineage. You got this!”

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