‘Wives, Learn To Be Selfish’ -Nigerian Lady Advises As She Narrates The Unfortunate Story Of A Married Mother Of Two

A Nigerian lady, Ngozi Spontex Debulldozer, has advised wives and mothers, especially to learn to be selfish.
Ngozi went on to narrate the sad story of how a mother of two in her neighborhood died due to the stress of shouldering her family’s financial responsibility while her husband drank from one bar to another.
According to Ngozi, the deceased lived her life fending for her children and irresponsible husband who uses all his own money to drink.
Addressing women in particular, Ngozi said poverty is a very valid reason to divorce a man who is irresponsible and not working towards changing that poverty status.
She wrote in a Facebook post on Wednesday:
“A woman just kpaid (died) yesterday in my hood leaving her children, oldest 19yrs n youngest 7yrs, but I got no pity for her makach.
I only feel for the children. Guess what they said keeled her? Stress!!!And it’s not as if she made the money ooo!!! She will do chef helper in the morning and fries in the evening while husband drinks from one bar to another and she go still enter gutter go carry am go house!!!
Every big food vendors in town contracts her as help Abi wetin dem dey call her…she lived her life fending for her children and irresponsible husband who uses all his money to drink his life away cos he works!
She came home from one of the jobs, complained of headache and before they could rush her to hospital, she was BID!!!
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Yesterday people were trouping to their house to commiserate with the children while nobody send the husband mana imazi where the gist si towa uto bu that the said husband mgbada comfortably sat in one corner pressing phone and reminding everybody that na still one thing go keel a man!!!
Wives learn to be selfish!!! You have no excuse staying married to an irresponsible poor mgbada makachi!!!!
Gbawa door from that marriage and chest your single mother badge honorably ighotago. It’s easier to get help as a single mother than it is as a Married woman to a poor irresponsible husband!!!
I for one will not give you shishi even if my money na awufu awufu if you stay married to a gutter drunk poor man or a poor chronic cheat!!!
As far as am concern na your choice and if you kpaiii I won’t even waste my time going to pay condolence to the stewpid he goat you left unto say I dey honor your memories!!!
There is a difference between staying married to a responsible hardworking poor man and staying married to an irresponsible gutter drunk man!
I can never have empathy for women who are still married to the latter!!! They deserve their hardship n owuite makachi!!!! Poverty is a very valid reason to divorce a man who is irresponsible and not working towards changing that poverty status.
Kwapu ya na road, kee ifu uzo fuu better option even if na wealthy married man ighotago. Life enwerokwa return match…when we get to heaven we go reason the judgement day ighotago.”