Funny truths: 15 Things Every Mother Knows By Scary Mommy

Funny truths about motherhood you may or may not relate to. Do they ring true for you?
1. Everyone is a fabulous mother until they actually become a mother. We all go into motherhood with grand ideas and intentions. Roughly 86% of those ideas and intentions go out the window within the first year of actual motherhood.
2. You will do many, many, many things as a mother that you swore you would never, ever do as a mother. It’s just a given.
3. You will also, despite your greatest efforts, at least occasionally hear your own mother’s voice coming out of your mouth. It’s true.
4. Your kids will do many things that you never imagined that anyone who came from you could or would do. They will embarrass you, frustrate you, scare the crap out of you, and completely confound you.
5. Kids are brutally honest. Try not to let them see you naked, because they will point and laugh.
6. On the other hand, kids are incredibly accepting. They accept us, their parents, warts, wrinkles, bad hair, and all. They really do believe that we are superheroes.
7. It’s really true, that saying: “The days are long, but the years are short.” We get so weighed down by surviving the day-to-day, and suddenly we notice that our babies are now taller than us, and they have weird hair growth, and we pine for the “easy” days when they were little.
8. The only thing about which you can legitimately claim expertise or superior insight is your own children – not anyone else’s children.
9. Most of us are just trying to raise little savages into civilized, decent, well-adjusted adults. There is no one right path to that goal. Choices of another mother that differ from the choices you would make should not be taken as a condemnation of your choices; it’s unlikely they have anything at all to do with you.
10. Nobody cares as much as you do, or is as impressed as you are by your kids’ accomplishments. Hard to believe, I know, but it’s true.
11. Nobody really has parenthood figured out. That’s why there are so many parenting books out there, with new ones being written and published every week. That’s why parenting trends change every half-decade or so. The joke’s on us, because we keep buying the books and buying into whatever new “method” comes along, hoping to get it right. There is no getting it right – or rather, there is no one single way of getting it right.
12. There is no point at which you get to heave a huge sigh of relief, knowing you did your job as a mother well. There is no end to this job. No matter how big they get, no matter how closely they resemble adults, they will in some way always be babies in your heart. You will never stop worrying about them or wanting the world to be a better place for them.
Source: Scary Mom (Edited)