Sunday Treat: GGs Chicken Creme

As most people love chicken, today’s recipe is Chicken and double creme in Apple juice sauce.
Sounds like a weird combine but this recipe is absolutely delicious and heart warming for a lazy Sunday evening or any day of the week for that matter.
This is actually my kids Great Grandmother very famous recipe originally made with white wine, which I substituted with Apple juice for a more wholesome flavour. You can eat this dish with almost anything. Potatoes, Rice, bread etc. It never ever fails me, so make it your own by adding or taking away any part of it.
Ingredients (Feeds 4)
4 Soft Chicken thighs taken off the bone
3 cubes of chicken stock
250ml Double or Single creme (Double for a richer taste. can be substituted with coconut milk for the lactose intolerant)
500ml Apple juice
1 chopped onion
1 full ts thyme
a hand full of mushrooms (optional)
- heat the oil in a large wok or cooking pot
- Add the onions and fry until caramelized
- Add the chicken, stock cubes and thyme
- stir fry until nicely sealed and bronwned
- Add the Apple Juice stirring it in
- Reduce the heat and leave to simmer for around 15 minutes or until apple juice is nicely reduced and chicken is cooked through.
- Add a bit of salt to taste
- Stir in the creme
- take off the heat and its ready to be served.
I like rice alot and everything with rice in it attracts my attention.. Will surely try this.