Parents proceed to have their baby born without nose, shun doctor’s recommendation

If doctors told you that your baby was going to be born without a nose and with some sight problems, would you terminate your pregnancy?
This is the difficult decision Grainne and Nathan had to make. Their baby has a rare medical condition medical advice recommend that parents terminate pregnancies for children with their daughter’s condition.
According to the Mirror UK;
Tessa was born with arhinia, a condition so rare that only 47 cases have been recorded in recent medical literature. In addition to living with a deformity, Tessa also has sight problems. When she was 11 weeks old, she had surgery to restore some vision to her left eye, but she emerged from the procedure completely blind in that eye, according to the family’s fundraising page. She is able to see well out of her right eye.
Tessa is slated to have a first-of-its kind surgery at the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, where doctors will give her a nose mold.
The couple are soliciting for funds to help them cover miscellaneous expenses related to Tessa’s treatment while her treatment costs are covered by insurance. They are positive that their baby girl will overcome this.
On Tessa’s fundraising page, her parents wrote, “It has been an unbelievable and at times heartbreaking year for us watching our tiny baby go through this and knowing that it is really only the beginning of her story. She has overcome so much already. As she has grown, our brave, baby girl has shown us how extraordinary she really is. She … has surpassed [everyone’s] expectations by meeting every milestone and stealing the hearts of everyone she meets.”
They also hope to connect with other parents of babies born with arhinia.