Man who made a spreadsheet of his wife’s excuses not to have sex

One sexually frustrated husband recorded on a spreadsheet the timelines of all the excuses his wife gave for refusing to have sex with him.
According to Huffington Post, the man set up a three-columned spreadsheet of all the times he initiated sex with his wife over the course of six weeks. In column A he recorded the date (June 3 to July 16); in column B he included the response (yes or no) and in column C he wrote down the excuse his wife used against having sex on a particular night.
Someone claiming to be the wife took the spreadsheet to Reddit and, under the username throwwwwaway29, shared it with the /r/relationships community, writing: “My husband [M26] sent me [F26] an immature, inflammatory email as I was driving to the airport for a 10-day work trip. Now he has cut contact.”
Deadspin’s The Concourse blog published the woman’s full description, which has since been converted to a locked post on Reddit, of what occurred:
Yesterday morning, while in a taxi on the way to the airport, Husband sends a message to my work email which is connected to my phone. He’s never done this, we always communicate in person or by text. I open it up, and it’s a sarcastic diatribe basically saying he won’t miss me for the 10 days I’m gone. Attached is a SPREADSHEET of all the times he has tried to initiate sex since June 1st, with a column for my ‘excuses,’ using verbatim quotes of why I didn’t feel like having sex at that very moment. According to his ‘document’, we’ve only had sex 3 times in the last 7 weeks, out of 27 ‘attempts’ on his part
Some sided with the husband and some sided with the wife. Who will you take sides with?