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6 Natural Ways to Induce Labour

6 Natural Ways to Induce Labour

Has your due date come and gone? Can’t wait another minute to carry your baby in your arms rather than in your belly? If you’re looking to induce labor naturally, these techniques might help spur your body — and baby — into action. But before you try any of these at home, get your practitioner’s okay — after all, you don’t want to push your bun out of the oven before it’s fully cooked. Once you’ve gotten the green light from your doctor or midwife, check out these natural ways to induce labor:

1. Walking

The simple act of walking during pregnancy may help draw the baby down into your pelvis (thanks to gravity and the swaying of your hips). The pressure of the baby on your pelvis may then prime your cervix for labor — or may help labor progress if you’ve already felt some contractions. And if walking doesn’t do the trick, it’ll at least get you in shape for D-day (aka delivery day). Just don’t walk too much and tire yourself out before the big day. You’ll need all the energy you can muster to push out that baby of yours!

2. Sex

While it may seem almost impossible to pull off a romp in the sack when you’re 40 weeks pregnant (and counting!), you may want to give sex a try. Sperm contains prostaglandins — hormones that can help thin and dilate the cervix, ripening it for delivery. What’s more, an orgasm releases the hormone oxytocin, which can trigger contractions. If nothing else, this no-cost attempt to induce labor naturally may relieve some tension — mainly from laughing as you attempt to do the deed. It’s also a great way to strengthen your twosome right before you become a threesome.

3. Castor oil

Castor oil is a laxative (and not a very tasty one, either). Women have been passing down this tradition for generations because if you take a shot of it, it can stimulate your bowels (by causing spasms in the intestines) and, in turn, irritate your uterus and cause it to start contracting. The downside: If you’re not already showing signs of labor, taking castor oil can just give you a bad case of diarrhea (something you probably want to avoid this close to childbirth). Bottom line: Consider the consequences of castor oil carefully, and talk with your practitioner before you take a spoonful.

4. Spicy Food

Can spicy food really bring on labor? Some people believe that spicy food, like castor oil, irritates your intestines (but more gently) and that can cause your uterus to contract. Of course, there’s no evidence that proves that spicy foods are natural labor inducers. But if you think your bloated belly can stomach a couple of chili tacos, go for it. Just remember that you might bring on heartburn instead of labor.

5. Nipple stimulation

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Are you sitting around twiddling your thumbs, waiting for the baby to arrive? How about twiddling your nipples instead? That’s right, nipple stimulation — massaging (ouch) or twisting (double ouch!) — for a few hours a day can cause your body to release the hormone oxytocin, which brings on contractions. But when it comes to natural ways to induce labor, practitioners generally don’t recommend this one. That’s because it can cause painfully long and strong uterine contractions that could potentially lower fetal heart rate. So unless your practitioner monitors this technique, hands off the nipples (and tell your partner to lay off too!). You’ll get plenty of nipple action once your newborn arrives and starts looking for food.

6. Massage

Studies show that a massage can raise your body’s level of oxytocin, that hormone that can bring on labor contractions. Some massage therapists swear by their ability to help jump-start labor when a mom-to-be is overdue. (Many even focus on certain pressure points to move labor along.) Not into massages? Meditation and even just cuddling with your partner can help relax you, which might get your oxytocin levels pumping (it’s no coincidence that the majority of labors start late at night, when an expectant mom is warm and cozy in bed — a state that triggers the release of oxytocin). So if you’re anxious about that baby who doesn’t want to leave his cozy bed, try a stress-relieving activity like meditation during pregnancy. Even if your efforts don’t directly trigger labor, you’ll be waiting in a more-relaxed frame of mind.

What other natural methods worked for you?


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