Dads’ Profile: Aniedi Awah

Aniedi Awah, a writer/film maker, is married to Blessing and dad to Michael.
How hands-on are you?
“I am quite comfortable working around the house, so I do everything I can to make sure I give my wife a hand in everything that has to do with our child and the home. I don’t think she has any complaints in that area.”
What has being a dad changed about you?
“Being a dad has made me become more responsible and careful with life and my dealings. I owe that to my son.”
5 things you believe facilitate parenting success
“Cooperation between parents, a stable home, discipline, open-mindedness towards books and magazines that discuss issues that border on parenting and constant consultation of God’s word, The Bible, for guidance.”
How do you complement your wife in enforcing discipline?
“The truth is that we share the same views and beliefs as far as disciplining a child is concerned. It makes it easy for us to work together to discipline our son.”
Top 3 things you love about your son
“He is showing a keen sense for the creative; especially painting and singing, has my taste for food; I like bread, he does same, etc, and he hardly falls ill and even when sick, still does all he can to stay strong. I love that!”
Values you’re instilling already and why?
“A love and respect for life, humanity and God. That is because I believe these will groom him into a very responsible and lovable adult.”
Thrills about being a dad?
“The simple fact that I have someone who shows parts of my character traits and those of my wife and possesses this uncanny ability to make me laugh no matter how angry or sad I might be, is the strongest thrill of being a dad.”
Areas you often wish you could give more
“My job gives me the opportunity to spend quality time with my son but I wish I had more money to take him on travels around the world, especially to that wonder place called Disneyland. That has always been my dream for my kids.”
Fears as a dad
“Just one; that I may not be able to provide enough of what he really needs for his development and growth.”
Challenges of juggling work with being a dad and husband
“Fortunately for me, my work as a writer and film maker gives me enough time to take care of the home front since my work as a writer keeps me at home and actual shoot on locations only takes me away from home for short periods. My wife actually gets to leave the home more often than I do!”
Your son’s favourite play activities
“Playing his xylophone, riding his bicycle and painting.”
Memorable moments as a dad
“The first time he was placed in my arms in the theatre after birth and I felt a pull in my heart, his first steps and the first time he called me ‘daddy’ in a very sonorous voice!”
Tips for other dads
“There are no hard and fast rules to succeeding as a parent. However, while one needs to be open minded about issues that has to do with parenting, it is vital that every parent has an idea of what he or she wants for his or her child and work hard towards achieving that. That done, try as much as possible to consult God’s word all the time. It is the dossier that gives parents everything they need to train their children properly!”