Dear MIMsters: How My Hubby Prefers To Leave My Kids And I Stranded For His Parents

My hubby has a very annoying habit of doing everything his parents tell him without saying no to any all in the name of respect and love.
Now, I don’t have any problem with this as long as it doesn’t affect me and my children negatively. For instance, when his mum calls him from one end of the town to come and pick her up and take her back home, he would leave everything and go. I had to sacrifice so much to pay for that car myself just so that my kids would be comfortable. He is the one who drives it most of the time but I have never minded. Recently, I took my kids to a birthday party in an estate in Ojudu. I called him around 4:30 p.m to come pick us up. He claimed he was on his way, only for me to call back around six and he told me he had gone to Apapa to pick up his parents and was just heading back. By 10 p.m he hadn’t gotten there yet but rather called to tell me that we should go out and pick a taxi. Imagine at what time? I refused and he eventually came around 11pm after my kids had slept off in that house.
Today, we were about taking the kids to the cinema on a family outing when his mum called again and he left us here again and went to pick her up from where she was. By the time he got back, we had missed the movie and the kids were very unhappy. I got upset with him for being angry and refused to take them out again but went ahead to take his mum all the way back to where she lives.
Please I need advise on how to handle this situation.
Mummy’s boys he is hnmmm such people can’t change unless the feel like. My dear sit him down n tell him how you feel but if he refuses to change then just let him be n take your kids out urself, make urself happy n forget him one day just one day he will realise what he’s doing n retrace his steps.
Hnmmm honestly this one tire me oh cause its obvious he value his parents than his own wife/kids. Prayer is what u need
Hmmmmmm na wa oh. Madam can’t u drive yourself? U and his mum are turning him to a driver already. Drive yourself sometimes and when his mum calls let’s see how he would jet down there to pick her. Abi she no know say na u buy car? Can’t he tell her to take a cab? Since he’s with his family. Anyways I don’t know what to say again before I start sounding irrational.
Sit him down nd tell him how u feel about d situation,if he doesn’t improve.u concerntrate on ur kids till he is tired.
He seriously need some growing up to do. He should live the car for you and the kids and buy another one with driver attache for his parents if you guys can afford it.
Ignore him try not to ask him to take u guys out he will feel bad when u stop involving him in ur family outing n will change
That’s the problem with marrying a mama’s boy…….. you need to really talk to him
Your hubby Is a mummy’s boy. If u talk to him, he won’t listen. Use one of his friends to do the talking
Most ladies don’t have time to studied their spouses or finances all for love, this is the result. U don’t need to complain also don’t be arrogant, I can see u saying that u contributed the lion share for buying the car, this shows that the family is not united. Women owns the home so keep ur home, God will be with u.
hmmm, u knew this before u said I do. advise- learn how to drive n IGNORE him full stop.
He is obviously an errand boy for his parents. That’s no respect at all! What if he wasn’t staying in the same town with the mum? Won’t she go out and come in? Is he the only child of the mum? So for him to be behaving like that means the mum has his remote control in her hands. Please be prayerful and complain less so that they don’t send you out of your home cos with the way the woman control him, anything is possible.
Mama’s boy…he needs to grow up and know how to balance his “equations”
It’s like your hubby is the only child of his parents, if not why him all the time? Anyway, I think you should make yourself happy because not only him, his parents also are a bunch of selfish people, or are they very old and suffering from memory loss? How come none of them asks after you and their grand children? Poverty is also their problem, thinking their son has arrived, just bcos he has a car-where the car came from, and who bought it is none of their business. Pls, forget these people and face your children, get a job, just start something to make your own money. Once you are a bit independent the story go change! By the time your husband recovers himself I hope it won’t be too late between him and the children. God will help you.
Confirm momy’s boy. Don’t mind him, take your kids out yourself.
Try learning how to drive too,and take your kids out yourself,then when his mum calls,lets see if he will use his leg to and pick her.
Pls dnt compromise when it comes to your kids.Learn how to drive so u wont always wait for him before taking ur kids out.Inform him on time(like a night before)that u will use d car d next day so he can sort himself out
pls be patience, am nt saying dt ur hubby love his parent more dn u and kids. Maybe they are aged, consider dt one day we wil all get old. We need someone 2 talk and care for us. It is well dear
You bought the car for the kids,not his parents.Are there no cabs anymore?You don’t have to wait for him to take you everywhere.Take the car when you want to go out with your kids,let’s see the one he will use
He needs to grow up pls talk some sense into him
madam dont allow it to weigh u down just relax take ur kids out only u and leave as if d motor mil and hubby does not exist
Jst learn hw to drive simple then see if he’s going to drag d car wit u
People are stupidly funny lately,madam try considering sometimes anyway
Your hubby is seriously tied to his mama’s apron.
Madam abeg be independent, stop waiting for ur husband to do certain things for u, what if he lives elsewhere due to d nature of his job and only comes home weekends or smthing won’t u do d needful for ur children? Learn how to drive and take ur kids out urself but make sure u inform ur husband of ur plans ahead so it won’t seem as if coz u bought d car u r now monopolizing it or better still get a second car if u can afford it and leave ur husband with his mum, abeg don’t try and come BTW them o coz d beginning of another Wahala be Dat, just be matured and start making some decisions for urself n ur kids
My advice to you is, just ignore your husband, take your kids out by taxi, forget about the car. By d time he will realise, d kids won’t have his time again n he will come back to his senses..