Dear MIM Readers: My Husband Has A Baby Mama Who Wants Me Out

I’m writing this with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes.
I’ve been married for 5 years now. I had a faulty marriage foundation. I got pregnant before marriage and we are blessed with two kids (twins) a boy and girl.
We have been having so many issues on trust and true love. It’s a very long story that I sincerely cannot explain here. So many things have happened and we have tried settling them. It all started last year when my hubby travelled for a year program. He got into a relationship with a young lady which led to pregnancy. He told me about it without remorse. Infact, I went through hell last year that I thought I wouldn’t survive. They both tormented me.
She called me all sorts of names and threatened me. I ignored them and lived on for my kids. No assault or battery though his finances got screwed and we suffered and still suffering now cause he lost almost everything. Now the lady has put to bed and still doesnt want to let go. My hubby is coming back to his senses and coming back home but this girl just won’t let him be. She just wants me to leave the house for her by all means. It’s just so much I need someone to really talk to.
Now, my problem is that this girl’s family believes my hubby is single. I want to get the girl’s mum’s number to let them know he is married with kids but he is pleading with me to let her be for now. He says he will do it himself. Also, he still talks to her on phone and they talk well. When I ask, he will say it’s just cause of the baby. She just put to bed last week. Please, I need your advice. I’m trying to consider him cause he is going through a lot right now. He has lost a lot and still going through a lot. He doesn’t even have a job presently and is trying to go back to God. Please tell me, should I just let things be or should I call her mum to tell her what’s going on?
We are legally married. And none of the family members are in support of this. They are all on my side.
Message.. Let me tell you ur hubby is now trying to get close to God cause he has lost everytin but once he bounce now am sorry but he will still go back to his old life n spend on that girl. Don’t pity him cause he didn’t pity u b4 allowing his penis control him so go ahead n inform the girls parents cause I bet u he won’t dare tell the girl’s parents cause of shame. So please take care of urself n ur kids n ignore him/his useless side chick na God de deal with him personally. I knw ur kind of man once de lost everytin de will start going to church but once de start seeing/making money now u will see deir real colour again. Na u get tym to pity him n I pray he pity u again once he bounce back to life. #Okbye
I suggest you call. Why would he say no? When he told u she was preggy, did he think twice? No. So please let her family know asap
U have to call her mum and stop listening to ur hubby so that the pressure can stop
Pls my dear let things go k i mean forgive her bcos involving his mum may nt be wise only ask for d Grace of God k
Then call the girls family. Don’t mind your hubby cos he is just trying to cover his face with that act.
Lord have mercy nay God guide u to make d right decision
This so sad to hear and it pains me that you are suffering this with him because he didn’t consider all these before having an affair. Give him time to let the girls family know he marries and if he doesn’t, do it yourself. Continue to pray
Get d girls mum number ad inform them bcos ur hubby may nt handle it as he said
So sad….
Only God knows how…
But I think God only can solve this but let caution be your watch word
I wonder what marriages are turning into. Keep praying for your home, don’t allow the enemy prevail over your home.
Madam shine ur eyes ooo… He’s acting calm cos he has lost his source of income…. Once he bounces back u ll c a different side if him!! He’s a fool!!
Hmmm its kinda complicated.l feel u madam.Ur hubby goofed.He must have decieved that lady that he is a bachelor b4 she got involved with him.U dnt know what he told n still tells her about u.He is ‘coming back 2 his senses’ now n buying ur pity bcs he is broke(trust me it would have been different if he was buoyant financially).My advice-Face ur job n those lovely twins(that l’m begging God 2 bless me with).Since there is no domestic violence,pls remain in ur matrimonial home no matter d pressure.lgnore that lady(pls dnt get urself involved by calling her family)n let ur hubby clean up his mess(thats if truely he has repented)
NB:Dnt be surprise if u see a different man when his finances rise again
Hmmmmmmmm….don’t pack out from your house cos if u do, the door is open for the bitch to come in. focus on your kid and job, and mostly especially never be far away from your maker. Pls U don’t have any business calling the girl’s mum, let his/your family do that. May Jesus Fix your homes!
Marriage palava
Things are really happening…God will see u tru
Madamm,did you say consideration. Please don’t say such, did your hubby consider you before having an affair. Just give him time as he said and remain steadfast in your marriage with prayers…
Madam wat are u still waiting for? Pls make d call right away if u hv done dat yet…why is he nw feeling remorse? Bcs he’s down and broke abi…Bet me if he bounce back again he’ll treat u double of hw he treated u b4. Now dis is ur opportunity dnt misuse it bcs it comes once. If i were u i wuld even leave his broke ass bcs I can’t imagine sharing my man with anoda woman but b4 u do so make sure u are earning a living oh.
Baby mamas are dangerous
Pls call and let them know but b4 then put it in prayers wat u want the outcome to be and then intensify ur prayers again aftEr calling cos the parents mit be evil like their daughter too and not mind if u’re legally married or not… is well with u.
tell dem my dear but make ur call anonymous
You berra call her mum.To me,that husband of yours doesn’t deserve your pity.He came back to his senses when he became broke.Smh
U heard them, jst call d lady’s family and tell dem d trutH as for dat husband of urs i pray he remains sorrY and close to God when he gets everything he lost bck
U better inform the parents of the girl and make sure u put them in order. Forget what your husband said, your life is in danger. Even as u are puting everything in prayer, package yourself well and go get a job if u don’t have any, face your kids. My dear watch and see the next thing that will happen. You are a winner already.