You Won’t Believe What This Teenage Mum Kept in Her Shopping Bag

An 18-year-old mum, Tiona Rodriguez, was caught with her dead newborn son in a shopping bag while allegedly shoplifting at Victoria’s Secret in New York’s Herald Square store.
According to Mirror UK, she was stopped on suspicion of stealing a $44.50 pair of skinny jeans. However, when security searched her bag, they made the grim discovery.
The teenager was charged with second degree murder on July 30th over the incident which happened in 2013.
Prosecutor Rachel Ferrari said Rodriguez “carried out the murder of her newborn infant and then callously shoved him in a bag with the plan of — in her words to ‘take this s**t and dig a hole, put it somewhere, lol, then we go eat IHOP”.
The teen mother, from Brooklyn, is thought to have fallen pregnant in early 2013 but believed she would be in “big trouble” if her family found out.
Ferrari said Rodriguez planned to kill the infant and “began plotting weeks before he was born”.
When she went into labour on October 16, 2013, she went to a friend’s home in Queens where she gave birth in a bath tub “ripping the cord with her bare hands”.
The baby boy was full term and weighed 8lbs, prosecutors said.
Ferrari added: “He wasn’t stillborn, he didn’t die of natural causes. He was murdered in that bathroom.”
Rodriguez is then accused of stuffing the baby’s body into a shopping bag and setting out to dispose of it. She is believed to have made a detour to Victoria Secret in a bid to steal – stuffing items into the same bag that carried her dead son.
Prosecutors revealed Rodriguez had been pregnant twice before and was “well-versed” in hiding her pregnancies and childbirth.
She fell pregnant at 14 and her family only discovered the truth when she was in labour in hospital.
Rodriguez gave birth for the second time in 2012, aged 15. She is believed to have delivered the baby in her bathtub at home.
Prosecutor Ferrari said: “She may have killed the baby, the baby may have been stillborn – but we know that she texted her boyfriend throughout the birth, ultimately telling him – it’s dead. Then the two of them discussed via text getting rid of it. Smashing it up, so it didn’t look like a body. Burning it. Meeting up to bury it.”
She told no one after falling pregnant for the third time.
Rodriguez’s lawyer Earl Ward argued that both the second and third pregnancies resulted in miscarriages.
He said his client was a “confused young girl who had no idea what to do with the fetus that was stillborn.”
She faces 15 years to life in prison if convicted.
OmG what a world….
Nawa oh!
Lord have mercy
i think she is possessed… how many times a fool? and after all the pains and labour?
Hmmm Jeez……. This is inhuman! Gosh!
Oooo my God. Wat a heartless teenage mum.
God forbid! !!
The Americans are such hypocrites. You make abortions legal and make the killing of an infant a crime. Please what’s the difference?? Aren’t both of them hideous murders?
Someone should tell me she didn’t have labour pains.OMG
That’s one h*ll of a disturbed lady . something must definitely be wrong cos no normal person will behave ds way
May God have mercy on her.Stupid girl.She will never learn
I jst imaging dis young girl level of irresponsibility she’s wayward, heartless selfish wicked and confuseD pls does she ve parents?? Cos they failed too imagin at 14 she already had a baby maybe she became sexually active at age 7
am dis story about d devil or a human
I hope she is convicted. She is silly. If you don’t want kids den close your legs
Wayward ,evil child
Ewooo! Lord have mercy.
Hmm am speechless
why do such being continue 2 get pregnant, whereby pple are crying 2 God.4 dis wonderful gift
After going thru labour pains and all dat she killed her baby…she’s insane.
She should have her head checked cos i sense some abnormalities.