‘Every Mother-to-be Should Take Iodine to Boost Baby’s Brainpower & Development’ – Experts

The findings of a recent study published in the journal Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, say pregnant and breastfeeding women should be encouraged to take iodine supplements as this boosts babies’ brain development, particularly in the womb and first months, and improves children’s IQ.
Iodine deficiency also leads to goitre – a swelling of the thyroid gland.
Study author Professor Kate Jolly, from the University of Birmingham, said: ‘It’s time for all women living in iodine-deficient countries without universal supplementation of iodine, who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning a pregnancy to be advised to take a daily supplement containing iodine. Even mild iodine deficiency during pregnancy is associated with children with lower IQs.’
Louise Silverton, of Royal College of Midwives, said the study ‘provides additional supportive evidence’ of iodine’s importance, while Dr Mark Vanderpump, of the Royal Free Hospital in London, added: ‘Mild to moderate maternal iodine deficiency during pregnancy is associated with impaired child cognition.’
Source: DailyMail
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for this MIM.
Thanks for this.
Noted! Thanks
Well noted.thanx Mim
Thanks for sharing. It its good then I hope doctors will start to prescribe it for preggy women
Noted tnx
Its true so true n thanks
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing. I will start taking it.
Good to know this. Will keep it in mind
Tnx admin
Well noted