8 Reasons You Must Take Folic Acid Before & During Pregnancy

Regular consumption of foods that contain folates as well as daily intake of 400 mcg of folic acid supplement before conception, and a prenatal vitamin with 600 mcg of folic acid once pregnancy is confirmed is recommended for these salient reasons:
Without folic acid, the neural tube, which develops into the baby’s brain and spinal cord, may be deformed and the baby may develop spina bifida or anencephaly. This implies the baby’s brain will not develop fully as the largest part of the brain consisting of the cerebrum will be missing. Babies with anencephaly usually do not live long, and those with spina bifida may be permanently disabled. These defects occur in the early stage of pregnancy, usually before most women know they’re pregnant. Intake of daily recommended dose, from at least one month before conception and during the first trimester, reduces your baby’s risk of having NTDs up to 70%.
Oral clefts happen very early in pregnancy. The baby’s lips and palate or both fails to develop fully, resulting in a deformation of the organs. Folic acid reduces your unborn child’s risk of having deformed lips and/or palate.
A congenital heart defect is an abnormality in any part of the baby’s heart present at birth. They spring up in the early weeks of pregnancy when the baby’s heart is forming. Folic acid helps to curb the incidence of this defect.
Studies suggest that women who took folic acid supplements during the second trimester had a reduced risk of having pregnancy-induced high blood pressure; a complex disorder called preeclampsia, which adversely affects the mother and baby’s health.
The earlier a baby is delivered, the greater the risk of serious complications, including bleeding in the brain, infection, delayed growth and intestinal problems. Researchers say taking folic acid supplement a year before getting pregnant reduces the risk of having a pre-term delivery between 20 – 28 weeks and 28 – 32 weeks of gestation by seventy and fifty percent respectively.
A study by researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute suggests that women who consume the recommended daily dosage of folic acid during the first month of pregnancy cut their risk of having a child with autism, a neuro developmental disorder characterized by impairments in social interaction, communication deficits and repetitive behaviours, often accompanied by intellectual disability.
Adequate intake of folic acid throughout pregnancy plays a vital role in producing the additional red blood cells your body needs during pregnancy, reducing your risk of having anaemia characterised by a reduction in the number of red blood cells.
Folic acid is essential for the production, repair and proper functioning of DNA- the body’s genetic map and a basic building block of cells. Without adequate amounts, cell division could be impaired, leading to poor cell growth in the placenta and your developing baby.
Note that unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, you should not take more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid per day. If you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, too much folic acid can mask a condition called ‘pernicious anaemia.’ Also, if you are obese, diabetic, taking anti-seizure medications, had a previous pregnancy affected by NTD or taking drugs for epilepsy, you should see your doctor at least a month before trying to conceive to find out the appropriate folic acid dose for you.
Yeah, so true.
Wow…….this is nice. That means I will have to start taking mine again. I stopped for sometime now. Thanks MIM for this info.
Thanks MIM for the reminder!
I took folic acid all through my pregnancies, didn’t even know much about it bit was just doing at as a routine.
Thanks MIM for sharing.
I agree. I didn’t use to play with folic acid even though I hated to take pills but when I honk of what might go wrong, I quickly rake it, even if it means putting it inside eba lol
I think d usefulness of folic acid should be emphasized to ladies even before they think about pregnancy.Thanks admin
Pure fact.
Thanks mim for this info
i hrd so,wow thank you
So nice, I don’t play with folic acid cos it’s very good for pregnancy & after delivery for nursing mother and baby, Thanks MIM.
is there any side effects of taken d folic acid throughout pregnancy ?