Kids Who Are Read To By Dad Have Better Language Skills – Study

Have you been reading to your child? This activity if done daily presents immense benefits to your child’s literary development. (Read here and here). Beyond just reading to your child, a new research at the Havard University has revealed that children who were read to by males or dads had better language skills than children who read to by their mums.
The pioneer of this study, Dr Elisabeth Duursma of the University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia says this is so because men and women have a different approach to reading. She explains: ‘Reading is seen as a female activity and kids seem to be more tuned in when their dad reads to them – it’s special.’
Duursma explains that while mums were likely to ask straight forward questions like: ‘How many apples do you see?’, dads were more likely to say something like: “Oh, look, a ladder. Do you remember when I had that ladder on my truck?” That is great for children’s language development because they have to use their brains more. It’s more cognitively challenging,’ says Duursma.
Fathers favoured more abstract questions, which sparked imaginative discussions.
Dads, where are you at? How many fathers care enough about their children’s development to take up the challenge of constantly reading to them? ‘The impact is huge, particularly if dads start reading to kids under the age of two’, says Duursma.
Source: Dailymail UK
Some of this socalled research are funny ooooo. What happen if the dad can’t read? And in the real sense, how many dad actually got the time for all that? I beg to disagree.
Noted, will tell hubby to do just that.
I hear you.
Another unrealistic research, how many Lagos fathers have the time to read to their kids?
Why can’t they make our time? Nigerian women are very fond of making excuses for men. My husband has a very hectic job. If I send him this article, he will try to make out time to do it. It might not be everyday but I can bet my last kobo he will make the effort. Nigerian men need to step up to their responsibilities – stop making excusing for grown ass men!
In as much as l believe this research to an extent,most dads don’t have such time.Some who have d time may not have the patience or may see it as mummy’s duty
Nice to know…tanxs MIM
I have been looking for an article like this to encourage my hubby in bonding with the kids. Thanks mim
This research na only for oyibo lol. It can’t happen in this our obodo naija where fathers don’t have time for their kids Mtscheeeeeeewwww.
Not all dad’s have dat time o,bt I disagree wit dis research sha.
I get my hubby to do homework or read ..more like getting him.invilved instead of being on Netflix lol
lolz,funny research .. i disagree ooo but thanks shaa for sharing,maybe i’l put a test to that when the time comes
wd keep it in mind