YOUR PREGNANCY DIET: 10 Tips You Must Note

Every pregnant mum yearns to learn and do all that’s right to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Since what and how you eat plays a quite crucial part, here are ten things you must note:
1. INDULGE YOUR CRAVE: Sometimes, having a crave is your body’s way of demanding for nutrients your body needs, so don’t feel guilty eating what your body craves for. Besides, what other excuse would you have to eat those foods you normally won’t go out of your way to get?
2. SMALL PORTIONS: Yes, indulge your crave but remember, moderation is key. Don’t stuff yourself by eating a large portion of food at a time. Apart from constipating and making you uncomfortable, it’s an easy way to pile up the pounds. Rather, divide one large meal into several portions which you can eat throughout the day.
3. BE FOLIC ACID FRIENDLY: Ensure that you are getting the adequate daily dose of folic acid. This will not only keep your baby healthy, but will reduce the risk of neural tube defects which include spina bifida during the first three months of pregnancy. Recommended daily dose of folic acid is 400 mg.
4. VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE: There’s a reason why people use this phrase. Eating a wide variety of the right foods, including veggies and fruits, daily, will guarantee that you are getting a good amount of the vitamins and minerals that your body requires.
5. DO THE RIGHT PROTEINS: Doing the right protein will not only ensure a great start for your baby by forming the basic building block, but can protect your pregnancy against problems like pregnancy induced hypertension and diabetes, among others. The right kind of proteins include protein found in chicken, fish and lentils, yoghurt, and beans.
6. KEEP THE FOLLOWING TO A MINIMUM: Liver, junk food, cakes, pastries, coffee, meat spreads, chocolate drinks, fizzy drinks, energy drinks, red meat, and peanuts should be kept to the barest minimum like once a week.
7. EATING FOR TWO? Do not be under the illusion that you are feeding two people, thereby increasing your portions. It’s not about the quantity of food you’re eating that matters but the quality. Eating an increased portion can actually be unhealthy as this can easily cause nausea or constipation.
8. BE CLEAN, STAY HEALTHY: Ensure that the fruits and vegetables you consume have been properly rinsed with water and vinegar. You can also use a scrub brush to remove dirt from carrots, peppers, cucumbers, etc. Store fruits and vegetables in the veggie compartment of your refrigerator to slow the growth of bacteria. Wash dishes with hot soapy water.
9. MAKE WATER YOUR BFF: Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water and snacking on nuts and fruits such as apple or banana. Apart from the fact that water detoxifies your body, it keeps your body free from constipation. Always carry a bottle of water with you, so you can sip every now and then, because drinking large quantity of water can make you nauseous.
10. FOR YOUR STOMACH TROUBLES: You might want to do plenty of fiber rich foods to keep your tummy free from constipation. Leafy vegetables like spinach and pumpkin leaves could help you with bowel movements.
Have more tips from your pregnancy experience? Share with us.
Noted MIM. Thanks for sharing.
Very good information right here. I was very good at most of them. I ate what I wanted during pregnancy
Well said MIM! Eating cooked unripe plantain and snail which I once heard is rich in iron and iodine respect I very.
Doing my pregnancy, I indulge in eating cooked unripe plantain and snail which I once heard is rich in iron and iodine respectively.
Very nice advice. Thanks mim
Thanks for sharing. I don’t eat much while preggy and honestly it helps a lot but instead I eat lots of fruits and water.
Thanks for sharing.
Hmmm Nice tips. Thanks MIM for sharing.
Thanks for sharing
This wraps up everything about pregnancy.
I really eat much wen I was preggy especaially fruits
tnx mim
I observed most of these tips and truly they paid off
Thanks for sharing
Tnx fr sharing
i remember those days!! thanks for this
Nice one noted