Wande Coal Explains Fatherhood Is Partly The Reason He Put His Career On Hold

After a six-year break, Wande Coal finally returns to the music scene with the release of his new album, Wanted. His obvious absence from the music scene generated a late of speculation with some thinking that he’s career had come to an end.
Speaking to Punch’s Saturday Beats, the Black Diamond singer who revealed he was oblivious of his son’s existence until he was 2-years-old said fatherhood was the reason why he took a break.
He said: “I am a single father with a seven-year-old son. He is part of the reasons I had to put my music career on hold so that I could spend some time with him and get to know him. You should know that I am happy and I love my son because he is smart,” he said.
The singer hinted that the possibility of getting married to his baby mama is very slim as he wants to face his career squarely.
Hmmm. But my question is why sleep a girl you can’t marry? Are you just in for the pussy or something better?
Family is always number one and every other thing follows
Family first
Slim her?
Slim heh? U never ready to marry be that o.
All this our celebrities keeps getting girls pregnant they don’t intend marrying,who are they leaving the girls for anyway thankGod he’s assuming his fatherly responsibilities to the boy
very slim,getting married to her but very fat screwing her fat pussy. Just say u dont love her as a wife not bcus of ur career,definitely u will get married
Baby mama evrywer
good for him
Ok o
you people should weldone oo,give another woman belle
Oh, i hear o. Fame wan kill pple. She good to born bt to marry her dey slim.
The girl self is not responsible
marriage doesn’t stop I from achieving ur goals or excelling in ur career.if u find the right one u would get to the peak of ur career.
Lucky father
Don’t blame the man. Women should learn to close their legs
But the chances of sleeping with her was not slim abi? Na the girl I blame sef
Nice to know
Some ladies have succedded in labeling women cheap bt it won’t work for them mtcheeew baby mamas trend everywhere simply cus ladies won’t behave wen de see celebs
We done hear,ur welcome
It’s laziness that make ladies present themselves so cheap to men. A hardworking woman knows that a man doesn’t define whom you are.