Dear MIM Readers: Is my husband treating me this way because I am not educated enough?

I want to leave my husband because this man has not been good to me. We have been married for 7 years.
We got married when we had nothing. Now that he has gone into politics and is doing very well, he now has two girlfriends. The most annoying thing is that he does not hide this facts from me.
Sometimes, he has the nerve to tell me that he can marry as many wives as he pleases. He has even stopped making love to me.
Recently, he travelled to London with one of his girlfriends. I knew but was helpless to do anything against it. Since he has promised to give me some money to add to my business, I always pretend not to know anything about this particular girlfriend. My husband just rented a well furnished apartment for this girlfriend. He has been dating her for 4 years now.
I feel he is treating me this way because I am not educated enough. Some days ago, I came to the decision to leave him for good and return to my parents in Ibadan to start a new life. I already have three daughters for him. Please advice me on whether I should leave or stay. The emotional pain that I am going through right now is unbearable.
Whatever makes you happy that you should do. If u want to leave, make sure you have enough invested financially.
Hmmm na wah for some girls oooooo. Madam you wear the shoe so its all left for you to decide.
Just try and further your education, you are doing it for yourself not for him. It’s well
He stopped making love to you and you are complaining.Maybe you think STI is contracted through food.It’s clear this man has no iota of respect for you.Since you are not financially buoyant(to take care of yourself n the kids) and your husband is not violent,l will advise u live like he doesn’t exist,ignore him but look for a way to get money from him and start a business.When you are busy,some things won’t bother you.When you don’t depend on him for everything,you will gain respect from him.
Pls go back to skul. Tomoro is big,
My advice for you is to get busy,if you think he mistreats you because you aren’t educated then go get some education ……use his money to your advantage in as much as there is no abuse i do not think it will be wise for you to just leave because he has girlfriends,don’t get me wrong. …yes it isn’t right for him to cheat but you cannot just give up on your marriage
Get some education, upgrade yourself… me you will get your man’s attention. ….
Just follow him wisely. …….may God strengthen you!
Lord have mercy some men can be so mean
Madam, if u want to stay or leave u just have to be financially bouyant in order to take good care of your children and invest for the future of your children cos men like that don’t give a sheet if u exist or not just think very careful before making any decision,
U decide.
My dear b4 u leave that ur casonova man make sure u hv establish urself n save enough money to last u in de nxt yrs to come, save from it n further ur education…. At least if u re leaving den u re leaving for good. Prove to him u can make It wt out him cus one tin I believe is notin is permanent, one day money go finish n his eyes go clear den if he cms bk its left for u to eat ur vomit. And come to tink of it I don’t think dere s any politician dats faithful. If u kw u re emotionally dwn pls leave dat house b4 u kill him out of frustration n even if u wanna stay good for u bt if it cms to beating n starvation pls seek ur moms advice now n hear frm her bt na u wey wear shoe kw how e dey pain u. Goodluck
Hnmmm honestly de best advice is the one u gv to urself cause u re de one in it
Take time off ….recuperate rebrand yourself,rebuild your confidence and then decide..
the decision is yours to make, and yours alone…..
You need to be financially stable before moving stay and gather enough money for your business also use this time to further your education..It won’t be easy but you hv to forget about him and sex…keep praying dear, may God strengthen you.
I don’t think you need sex from him now. My dear, forget about him, pretend and get the money for your business. For the sake of the girls, secure your self financially and when you think you are ok, just go without turning back. Whiles doing business, upgrade your self too.
Pls try and further your education with his money, dn’t leave now, ignore him and make yourself happy, make friends
This is no more described as a marriage in my opinion, so look for a way to get enough money before leaving so the kids won’t be stranded.
all d comments here r well said choose wisly
gat notin to add again,they said it all
Go for what makes you happier. I pray you will make the right decision.
Thinking your man is treating you this way because you are not educated enough shows you are not no longer thinking highly of yourself. Sweetheart, education is good and do anything possible to advance. But never at anytime should you or any woman allow any human being to trample upon them because of low educational levels. Your husband agreed to marry you with your educational levels so he should just encourage you to upgrade. I feel bad when a woman is going through unbearable emotional pain. Evil/bad husbands need to pay for their evil deeds. It shall be well with you.
move on
Dont take rash decision for the sake of your children. Ignore his actions and make yourself happy by devoting more time for God, forgive him from your heart, dont bother your head cos he is refusing you love so that you dont contact sexual disease from him, dont talk ill of him before his children, try and get better education from the fund he is giving you part time. Continue to respect him. Use this period to upgrade yourself and make yourself happy, Ignore rivals and enjoy your moments now but (not with alcohol, men, clubbing, partying or other negative emotional outllets). This experience will to your advantage.