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Raising Up Your Child In Style From A – Z (Part 2)

Raising Up Your Child In Style From A – Z (Part 2)

By Ineh Olisah

What does STYLE mean to you? Instilling these in our children will give more meaning to the glitz and glamour most people believe is all that defines style.


Know when to find the balance between letting your child begin to do things for himself and providing him with the support and guidance he needs. This is an excellent time for you as a parent to teach your child responsibility as independence and responsibility go hand in glove. Guide your child towards independence by teaching him to make his own decisions, help and encourage him to solve his own problems, encourage him to take certain degrees of risks and be there to provide support when needed.


Raise your child to be able to make sound judgements on certain relevant issues that pertain to him. This is how he becomes assertive and can help him withstand peer pressure


Help your child to develop a quest for knowledge by reading to him early and regularly. This builds up the child’s vocabulary and intellectual capacity towards the right direction. The foundational words go a long way to determine the child’s mental and psychological inclination. Bring the world of books alive to your child by exposing him through traveling to places far and near.

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It is important to raise children to be aware of other people’s feelings, care about them and settle conflict in cooperative and disciplined ways. Build warm, deep attachments with your child so that she feels loved and safe. This forms the basis for love and care for others. Stay connected to your child and teach him how to cope with reality. Love your child unconditionally.


Raise your child to appreciate music and encourage her to learn how to play at least one musical instrument. According to the M.I.N.D Institute research, learning a song, a dance step or a musical instrument helps your child experience the unique integration of body and mind that music provides.


Groom your children to eat healthily. Note that nutrition guidelines recommended for adults are inappropriate for most children under the age of five. This is because young children only have small tummies and so need plenty of calories and nutrients in a small amount of food to ensure they grow properly. A healthy diet helps children grow and learn.


Help your child become organized, know where stuff is, anticipate, be able to plan, be able to transit from one assignment to the other, and remember things. You can assist by consistently reinforcing your rules, establishing routines, giving him little tasks and encourage him to think for himself which can help him multi task.


Teach your child to be passionate by helping him maintain and build on the natural joy and enthusiasm he was born with. Encourage your child to do things with enthusiasm and passion and pursue a career that they have a passion for. This is because passion brings fun, enjoyment and sheer vitality. Passion is a marketable skill.


Train your child to take a break from all his activities and be quiet for a moment. Teach him to daily have a time for sober reflections by doing same. Remember that children learn by examples. This will help him truly connect with himself.


Assign chores to your little one and assist him to carry out these chores. This way he becomes useful to himself, the family and community. To foster responsibility in your child, encourage him to do things for himself, and help with challenging tasks.


Teach your child simple pleasantries like ‘hello’, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ as soon as they start speaking.  Teach them social graces like opening the door for others, shaking hands, making eye contacts and being polite and respectful to people who serve. Let them be humble enough to offer apologies when necessary.


Teach your child to address teachers and nannies using ‘Mrs’, ‘Miss’ or ‘Mr’ their names. ‘Aunty’ and ‘uncle’ should be left to close family relatives and family friends. It’s no disrespect. This is to help her understand the boundaries and relationships with these people.

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Unwind with your child by spending quality time together. Set aside time to travel, see new places and meet new people. Travelling in itself brings about positive exposure. Take time out to go for picnics, to the parks, zoo, and interesting places.


You help your child to create his own experience by encouraging him to visualize and to obtain his heart’s desire. This is how you create a winner out of your child.


Show your child the need to pray often. A word of prayer offered up to God regularly gives your child a sense of security and reassurance that he is not alone.


Teach your child honour by raising him to examine his real intentions for making certain decisions or doing stuffs.


Teach your child to take responsibility for maintaining a skin care regime and looking after his body. This will help limit injuries, scars and diseases.


Encourage your child to put his best into everything that he does, reaching above average. Constantly reassure your child that anything is attainable if he sets his mind to it.

Read part 1 of this article here.

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