Cervical Cancer Survivor Who Had Womb Removed Gets the Most Heartfelt Surprise From Fiancé

Ruth Wood, 33, had to have her womb removed following her cervical cancer diagnosis and feared her partner would jilt her because she could no longer have children. Her fiancé Matthew Wood, 41, however, pulled off a surprise proposal before any of her surgeries, telling her he ‘didn’t love her for her womb.’
Ruth, who has now been given the all-clear, said:
“I was 32 and wanted to have a child. I have always wanted a massive family, and Matthew and I had talked about it since we got together after meeting in 2011. I came home one day after being told I’d need a hysterectomy and said to Matthew, ‘If you want children you can leave.’
Matthew said, ‘I didn’t want to be with you because you have a womb. I want to be with you because you’re my best friend, you make me laugh and I love you.
He told me never to say that again, that leaving wasn’t on his agenda and that I didn’t need to have that fear. And from then on I haven’t.”
Before the diagnosis, Ruth had suffered no symptoms, and only discovered she had a very aggressive form of cervical cancer after a routine smear test in March 2014, and doctors said she needed to have her womb removed.
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She added,
“Matthew and I talked and talked and talked and we decided it was more important to preserve my life than for me to try and get pregnant. We didn’t want to risk the cancer coming back. Matthew said from the onset that it was my decision, but he said he wanted me alive.
‘He said to me, ‘I want a long, happy, future with you, and that’s the priority.
…before both surgeries, and he proposed to me. We were at home, he got down on one knee with a diamond ring and said ‘you’re my soul mate and you complete me’ – and he told me he’d asked my dad. He also said, ‘And it’s not because you’ve got cancer and I feel sorry for you, but the fact this has happened has made me realise I don’t want to lose you.’ Sometimes in the most awful circumstances, good things happen.”
They tied the knot on September 26, 2015 at Pershore Abbey, Worcestershire, among 100 family members and friends.
“It was a gorgeous day with tears and celebration. After the wedding, people that don’t know me well would always ask if babies were next up. I’d just say ‘Well I haven’t got a womb so…’ I still want to be a parent and raise a child. There are millions of children out there looking to be part of a family, so we will look at fostering and adoption. I’m also very lucky to have step children, as Matthew has two children from a previous relationship,” she said.
Source: Mirror UK
Wow a man with a good heart. There are very few men like him around the world.
Loving hubby
Good man. A black man would have absconded tey tey!
When you talk about love, whites are genuine, a black man will find his way except she got loads of cash, then he’s sticking with the cash and getting babes prego outside.
What a wonderful man
Nice! This type are hard to get oooo
HmmmM angels come in different form.
That’s true love.However I doubt if he would have gone ahead to marry her if he hadn’t his own kids
That’s so thoughtful of Matthew.
Wao oooo! Wat a real agape love
May d God of impossibility specialist c ur heart ad bless u
This is an undiluted love may God bless ur union
Eka I agree with you
I love this. Nigerian men should come and read because most of them.get married because of children and when it’s not coming that’s it. I know God will do miracle in their life. God bless your union
Bravery nd love indeed,but I hope it does last…..
Good maN
Only possible among the white
wow. very nice