Dear MIM: My MIL Has Succeeded In Destroying My Home

Hello MIM!
As I type this message, I am so devastated and shattered. I am the same person who posted some time in November about been TTC for 3 years. My MIL advised my husband to marry a new wife and warned me, ‘nothing must happen to her son.’
Well, my husband who always passwords his phone forgot to password it yesterday night. So, I checked his phone and to find out that a lady is pregnant for him and that he has rented an apartment for her. His mum and two of his brothers even know about this. I also found out that his mum even knows the woman’s family.
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When I proceeded to ask him this morning, he angrily asked me why I checked his phone and warned me that now that I know about the other woman, not even a headache or any harm should come to her. I was dumbfounded.
He told me that he was meant to keep the news from me until the woman gives birth. He said so many things including he wants to prove to the world that he did not use his manhood for money and that this unborn baby is his happiness. He told me that God will give me my own children too.
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I couldn’t help the tears. I cried my eyes out. He just sat there beside me and said I shouldn’t cry again. This is my life crashing before my very eyes, just like that and I don’t know what to do? Some people close to me told me to remain calm.
This is a very sorry and emotional issue and I pray God Give you comfort. Please don’t allow hate or anger to get into you instead start telling God that you will also prove to the world that you are not barren. Don’t leave your home for any strange woman. Just accept that you are now in a polygamous marriage even if he is not married to her officially so that your mind can be free to accept the child. I know its not easy but you have to try and put yourself together cos the deed has been don and you can’t change it.
Am still on a research of wat make married men to be having an external affairs
Some men are need to be tourtoured
Is well
Hmmm I’m short of words.This is so heartbreaking
Better leave that man because this is the beginning of your troubles.
My dear I can imagine how you are feeling. Trust me I know. It’s like someone is squeezing your heart. Plus just try to be calm. Or just travel somewhere peaceful for a while. Keep praying and it will be ok
Oh my God
See y am afraid of getting married
If I were you, this is what I will do.. First move out of the house with my stuffs…. Reasons: To allow the other woman move in properly, so comparism can be made, cos if you keep on staying there, your hubby will never find any fault with the other woman but always with you,, and you’ll always trade carefully (more like a cat) Also, you”ll never be happy and life is too short to live in permanent sadness and most importantly your hubby is not worth being the father of your kids.. Okk, what happens now if you fanally get pregnant for him?? You and the kids start dragging for attention??? Pls not worth it!! Secondly, after you’v moved,, take your time cry, pray and heal,,, than take a vacation (must not be something big ) you can just decide to be indoors for a week,, get the needed food items and fruits,, lots of movie, just sleep wakeup, pray, execise, eat, bath or soak your self, watch movie, take a stroll, Or just go to that place you always longed to go, pamper your self and be happy!!! Lastly, after you’v picked up your life, and you think you’re ready to date… Go ahead (never ever give up on love but if you also think you are up for being a single mom, you can try with any of your date, if it doesn’t come naturaly, just adopt…. This is what I will do if I were you but finally the decision is your to make and yours to live with for the rest of your life!!! Goodluck and am sorry for your heartbreak..
Ooh my gudness what is dis men turning into, speechless
all would b well is all i can say.
So painful, my heart is crying too, sis just lean on God
Pls leave dat marriage and start ur life somewhere else cuz ad far as I’m concerned der’s no place for u in dat house.
Kai, this is too much for only you to bear. I don’t know what to even advice you. It’s well
Cheating husband pass-wording phones. Some (bad) mothers in law interfering in their children’s marriages. Lord, please help this poster and let make a good decision.
Let her(poster) make a good decision. Truly, no woman deserves to go through such. God help all the women who are TTC.
My Dear, in the end all will be well.
The question is do you still Love your husband? Sad he allowed pressure take over him and this happened. Glad also he consoled you and hasn’t asked you for a divorce. But I’ll tell you the truth, these things happen! Do not LEAVE YOUR HOME! God will always comfort us and show forth in due season. Get busy, take a vacation not now though, still be his wife and ask God to help you love your husband more and the unborn child. It might take a while but ask him how the child is faring……..when the child arrives, go and see him/her. let him pick gifts with you so they won’t say maybe you “tampered with the gifts”. Join a group where you can serve kids (with your heart O) like your church creche, these things work I have seen over 10 women getting pregnant from serving in crèches. Key into the word of God, it never fails, it might tarry but it must come to past. There shall be NONE barren!
God bless you for this advice.
This is too much, for me a will look for a place to stay, me only & my God, cos this is too much for me to bear, we can never trust men
Yes, remain calm. How could you compare your marriage to your life? For goodness sakes your entire life is worth more than the “Mrs” title. Painful as it is take it easy on you. God would turn everything out for your good.
You don’t have any child that’s tying you with this marriage, so leave and continue with your life. Life is meant to be enjoyed so don’t let anyone live his life happily and make you miserable.
It is well ma
This is really touching…I pray God takes control
my dear sister,i can feel ur pains……dis is so heartbreaking……hw is ur hubby even sure dat the baby d oda woman is carring is truly his?som ladies can be so desperate especially wen they knws d man truly wants a dear sis,dnt move out of the house,kip calm and channel evrytin to God in prayers.moving out of d house is nt an option………vengeance is of GOD.Remain blessed…….
Dear poster,it’s time to cry unto man no more and cry unto God. Pray earnestly and watch God settle yu in no distance time. Always remember that what God knows nothing bout can’t happen to his people. May God give yu peace.
keep calm and dont say anything and dont react wrongly God will surly reward u
Mydear,many suggestions hv been made to you,search very deep within you what Do you want to be truthful to your self.I will say don’t move an inch let God be God and all men be liers.That other woman is a thief she succeeded in stealing a child from you don’t add your hubby and your marital home to her yeah it’s difficult but present the case to God and let Him handle it you will testify how good God is.For now focus on Gods love get closer than before show your husband more love I hv been there and i know you will come out victorious ok.will bare you up in my prayers.Godbless you.
Ooooooo this is very painful I feel for you…move out and leave the rest to God
If i were you, i would start life afresh. Go away to a different location, get a job, takegood care of yourself, always look good. Build up confidence in yourself , love your self, empower yourself and when you are ready start dating again. You only obstacle is your mindset. Do not kill yourself with depression sitting back and watching your husband and that woman etc. Move on with your life. Find a husband that would be your root, yoir support syatem not the one that would break u down when things to dont go the way you plan. Life is very unpredictable. If it not children, maybe job issues etc. So get a partner who will weather the storm with you and enjoy the sunny time with you