Enugu Hospital: UNTH Finally Agrees To Release Conjoined Twins For Surgery Abroad

Nollywood actress Caroline Danjuma who went on her IG page lately to report the refusal of the University Teaching Hospital, Enugh to release the conjoined twins for their surgical operation abroad gave a positive update about them this morning.
She wrote:
”A big thank you to all the blogs and to every single person that re-posted and spoke out, our voices was certainly heard and I believe our babies will be happy to thank you all personally when they grow up. UNTH Enugu has apologized for not communicating well and for other mishaps that occurred along the way.
A lot of meetings have been going on for the safety of the kids and they have agreed to assist in sending out records to interested hospitals. We thank them for their cooperation. All hands are on deck now, ensuring Miracle and Testimony have the bset care and surgery. By my research such surgery takes 10-18hrs depending on its complexity, chances of survival is 5-25%, which could involve 20-25 surgeons, finding the best team for the surgery is our utmost priority regardless of where it would be. We want both girls to be alive. By his grace all will be well. Will keep you all updated. Thank you very much and may God stand up for you as you stood up for the Ayeni twins. We all appreciate you all. The battle will soon be over”.
Thank God for social media
A clossing mouth is a closed destiny Bt an open mouth is an open destiny
God will c these twins through
All tnkx to God
Finally. Thank God.
Thank God, it’s my prayer for the surgery to be a great success.
Great!.. thank God.
what a great relief. It shall be well
No, keep them. Mitcheww
Thank God
Thanks to social media, let God show them favour.
I pray it ends well
Thank God for dis. It is well with d twins
Finally! God be praised