Is It True That a Nigerian Married To A Foreigner Will End Up Marrying Another From His Tribe

I lost my two kids a few months ago. Days after, my marriage crushed. My hubby couldn’t handle the whole thing so he filed for a divorce. Few weeks after that, I also lost my mom. During this whole dilemma, I met a man on MIM Facebook who was there for me. He did everything possible to get my remaining child who was also sick live.
He stood by me when all hope was lost. A total stranger who showed me love, gave me a listening ear and gave me a shoulder to cry on. This man proved himself to be faithful and honest. Even when I was so down and needed someone to take care of my businesses, he was there and made sure that all of them were up and running as they should. Not that he had nothing doing. He has his own business. He just has a big heart.
Ever since I met him, my businesses have grown bigger and I’ve opened new branches. This is a man who encourages me to be the best I can be and respects me a lot.
We’ve grown to fall inlove with each other. He’s introduced me to his family and they all seemed nice. The issue is that he’s from Nigeria and I’m not. I’ve heard people say that a Nigerian man married to a foreigner, doesn’t matter how nice his people are, in the future, they will insist he marries another from his tribe. He tells me he does not come from such a family and will never allow that to happen but I’m scared and a bit reluctant to go ahead with the relationship because I don’t want to be a victim of this practice. Please tell me, is this practice happening for real or it’s just a rumour?
Would you advice I go ahead and marry this man anyways, if I were your sister? Please advice. Thank you all.
It’s not true it’s d man’s choice if he wants to marry from his tribe
Well I believe it’s individual thing.A real man doesn’t crumble under family pressure except he wants to.So it’s not about being a Nigerian but about the man
Pure false
Individual differences biko
I think it depend on d man to decide onwat he want
Sorry 4 your loss. That allegation about Nigerian men isn’t true.
not true its usually so cos most of dem marry those whites for papers but wen dey get their papers dey go for their choice.marry him if he loves u more dan you love him
Hmmmm… while he’s all loving and nice to you, you also in a nice and loving way tell him he’d have to sign an agreement he would never take a wife from home while the both of your a “happily” married, the agreement should come with deadly consequences if he derails. If he signs, good, if he hesitates please run as fast as your legs can carry you.
Hmmm this is serious ooooo. For me oooo dont even try this marriage if he is on immigration to your base country and yet to obtain his papers. But if thats not the case you should reconsider the marriage.
Well shaa, it depends
Yes, go ahead but ask God first
False allegation, individual differences
It’s not a norm, it has to do with individual.
It’s not true ..
Not true jare
Pls don’t marry him, a man gave you his heart, love, resources and all even when your so called *same country* hubby left you. what other confirmation do you want to show that he is your soul mate. if he cares for you this much, he will definitely do more in the future.don’t miss your divine man ooo, let the future unfold it self.
Its nt true cos wat God plan is different frm we people own nd pray b4 going into it
previous comments have said it is all about the individual.So you see if this person believes in polygamy or not.meanwhile am proud of what he did for selfless and sacrificial. God bless and reward him greatly!!!
Marriage to a Nigerian man, or any other man from anywhere in the world, will last if the marriage has the necessary ingredients which are LOVE, RESPECT & COMITMENT by spouses involved. God is giving u a second chance maybe because of the good seeds u sowed in your past marriage. Believe in God, trust God and give love a chance. Be assured of our prayers and best wishes
Whatelse do you want, what other confirmation are you looking for…should he die for you?…buh you should pray first though and by the way, those rumours about nigerian men are so untrue.
Please go ahead, if he loves you, he will do anything for you. My brother is married to an American white lady and we love her to pieces, she completes my brother and we thank God everyday for their union. We don’t believe in divorce so it’s till death do us part.
marry him , he is your hope of living . For the rumour it’s untrue . But at thesame time can be true . It depends on the man inqoute