6 Signs You’re Keeping Up With The Joneses

Mark Wealth
How do you decide what to spend your money on? Do you decide based on what you really need and how much you earn or spend more than you earn on things your neighbour, colleague or friend buys? If that is the case, you are keeping up with the Joneses.
Psychologists report people who let their neighbour’s possessions decide their spending habits may not realize it and this will eventually cause great financial harm. Check out these typical signs to help you tell if you’re keeping up with the Joneses.
1. Celebrity Fashion Advisers
How do you select your wardrobe? How many of your clothes are styled after something you saw on TV and you had to pay a good buck for a piece? Or maybe it’s Madam Helen, your boss’s wife you’re keeping up with. Her necklace looks so good and you must have one too. If Madam Helen earns more than you and you’re trying so hard to replicate her lifestyle, you’re keeping up with the Joneses.
2. You Always Have The Latest Gadget as soon as it comes out, even if you have to pay in installments. And you’re doing this just because you want to be seen as ‘current’ or you feel someone in the office is ‘oppressing’ you with their own latest version.
3. You Get Upset When Others Show Off
Your friendly or unfriendly neighbours or colleagues are being flamboyant or showing off their wealth or luxurious possessions and it’s upsetting you? It won’t be long before you start trying to show ‘money ain’t a thing’ by buying things beyond your means just to earn the bragging rights.
You think you’re giving them a run for their money but soon you’ll be wondering how your money keeps running down.
4. You Feel Lazy Or Unfulfilled because of your friend, family member, colleague or neighbours possessions. Your neighbour has changed cars twice and you’re still driving a model that’s like 10 years old.
5. No Savings
There’s always something to pay for, like your membership fee at the exclusive spa where you meet society ‘big boys and girls’. Or the splurging you go on with your friends who are earning twice your income.
Why not try meeting those big boys and girls in some free networking seminar or workshop? At least there, they’ll be open to your money making ideas, if you have any, and you can gain from interacting with them.
6. You Work Harder because you want to be able to keep up or better yet, outshine someone or get their approval.
If this is the reason you work harder, you’ll never feel satisfied because there will always be someone that will have more than you or that you want to impress. Keep at it and you might even surpass the Joneses but one day, you’ll realize you have missed out on your own life because you were trying to impress others.
Conspicuous spending amounts to keeping up with the Joneses. It means you’re spending so that you will be noticed, not because you have needs. This is completely different from getting motivation from other people’s successes. Aspirations are not measured by spending behaviours or possessions but by hard work and contributing to society.
So, quit keeping up with the Joneses. It’s a trap; a vicious cycle that makes you lose sight of what’s really important.
Let me conclude with something I read on www.investopedia.com. It says, “stop keeping up with the Joneses, they are broke.” You heard Kanye West and 50 Cents have said they are bankrupt, right? I don’t think you want to model your spending after these celebs.
So true! A lot of people are trapped in this kinda lifestyle.. hope they find these and read.
Nice one MIM. One of my bishop will say people borrow money to buy things to impress people are not looking at them. Its very common in our society and thats the reason we see people looting public fund just to outshine one another. I dont emcourage such life. There is no joy in it or can such person be truly happy after all said and done. May God give us wisdom.
I am definitely keeping up with the Jonesses. I need help. Thanks MIM for sharing. Now I know what to do.
That’s why I love my life.BTW I now know what that kinda lifestyle is called
True talk! i don’t belong to that group
A lot of people are guilty, one way or another.
Hmmmm, girls are guilty of this kind of lifestyle.
….tanx mim…
Tnkx MIM for sharing
Tnkx MIM for sharing
Tnkx MIM for sharing
Hate such kind of life
Do i even have the time to even look at you, talk more of trying to be you or even outshine you? Nothing about anyone impresses me enough for me to wanna be like them. Personally, i may admire but always want to be me and be myself. Life is too precious and you don’t want to live yours trying so hard to impress, outshine and the pathetic part is be who you are not. Anybody that knows me knows i don’t care about what they wear or do. I always do me as long as it makes me happy and gives God the glory.
Even the bible says we shouldn’t think highly of ourselves more than we ought to.
Very good article ,worth reading and a real food for thought. God bless you.
Seriously learning
Hmmm no time, life is a personal race. Great one MIM