10 Reasons Wives Lose Interest in Making Love

Mark Wealth
According to Dr. Geoff Hackett, an expert and former Chairman of the British Society of Sexual Medicine, all evidences point to the fact that an active sex life keeps couples together. However, issues revolving around sex are top reasons couples quarrel and are even willing to ignore their vows and part ways.
Does your wife seem to be losing interest in sex lately? The following reasons may be responsible…
#1 Exhaustion
It may be as simple as that. After going through the work of the day, including taking care of the kids, she might be physically beat and just need to shower and sleep. Sex at the end of the day might just be some other form of work to her.
What you need to do is work out ways to relax together, and who knows, one thing may lead to the other. Note that it won’t make sense if you’re getting credit alerts while your marriage is sending out divorce alarms.
#2 ‘Sexhaustion’
She may be a full time housewife or works from home, so exhaustion might not be a problem. But if hubby is a sex machine who is not aware of the wear and tear she’s been going through, he’ll be totally lost and frustrated as to why she doesn’t want sex. He may even be thinking he needs to do it more often and with more fervour.
Ha! Ease up Bro or she’ll soon be slipping sleeping pills into your shot of whiskey or glass of orange juice. Sweet dreams!
#3 Poor Performance
Though this may also be a case of incompatibility – maybe she has more sexual desires than you do or you have issues with ejaculation – if ‘madam’ is not getting satisfaction, she might just lose interest in having sex with you.
Both parties have to take responsibility to help solve the issue, even if it means getting sex toys or seeing an expert.
READ ALSO: Ways to Keep Your Sex Life Interesting While Trying for a Baby (Part 1)
#4 Same Ol’ Styles
Every time you have sex, it’s in the same place (bed or bathroom) and the same positions or style(s). There’s no creative variety whatsoever. Women have revealed that when sex becomes so boring, the thought or mere mention of it is depressing and they’ll rather sleep.
#5 No Connection
If the Mister isn’t connecting emotionally, she’s not going to enjoy letting him ‘see beneath her beautiful’ tonight or anytime soon.
We’re talking about physical and mental stimulation through verbal and emotional communication. Such intimacy is like the Olympic torch and jet fuel to Madam’s libido. You guys will be making deep satisfying love, not just having sex. Anybody can do that.
READ ALSO: Ways to Keep Your Sex Life Interesting While Trying for a Baby (Part 2)
#6 The Need For Control
So, Bossman is a sucker for sex (like most men) and he’s also stingy with the money. What will a crafty wife do? Deny the bloke his right to bump and grind until he signs a cheque, that’s what.
Some wives become the puppet master and use sex as the string to control their husband. Is the Messrs refusing to put on the sexy little dress? Maybe it’s just because he hasn’t bought her that new blender, car…or another sexy little dress!
#7 What’s That Smell?
Is the Bossman smelling of sweat, cigarette smoke or alcohol? Does his breath smell like onions or garlic and he’s trying to French kiss or get a hug with a feel of her softness? He shouldn’t be surprised if she pushes him away because women easily get turned off by unpleasant smell.
Someone should advice hubby to take a shower with some pleasant smelling soap and brush his teeth before trying to get all close and personal with wifey.
#8 Habits That Turn Her Off
Gone are the wild days when she didn’t mind you binge drinking or grabbing a boob or butt cheek. The person who said ‘love is when you no longer have to hold your farts in’ obviously wasn’t married. If he was, he’ll know that he can’t come home drunk, belching, barfing and saying, ‘Hey babes. How about some hanky panky, eh?’ All the while scratching that itching spot in his butt crack.
That’s more like boyish sham than boyish charm. Total turn-off!
#9 No Compliments Or Loving Pet-names
No knowledge of what she likes either. No special weekends and table-for-two dinners. No naughty text messages, not even a word of concern as to why she doesn’t want to make love.
Well, with all these, you should understand why you’ll be getting “No!” for an answer when you try to get all smoochie and kinky. Women need to hear and see you show that you find them attractive and value their feelings.
#10 She’s Not Feeling Herself
Maybe she hasn’t gotten rid of the extra weight she gained during pregnancy or she’s been seeing hot sexy women lately and feels she’s not hot anymore. This could make her depressed and cause a drop in her libido.
This is where you need to make sure you’re not that guy we described in #9. Your affirmation and actions will go a long way in making her feel crazy sexy cool again.
Thanks for sharing
Good one MIM
Good one
So true!
Thanks MIM for sharing.
Thanks for sharing
Hehehe I just love the humour in the write up.True sha
ok.well noted
On point MIM.