6 Ways to Deal With New Dad Anxiety

Mark Wealth
It was once thought that only mothers experience anxiety after delivery but experts and parents have revealed new dads equally experiences postpartum anxiety. From fears for baby’s health, finances, relationship and their productivity at work, new dads may be battling with a whole lot too.
Because postpartum anxiety can affect your relationship and health, here are helpful tips to relieve your anxiety…
1. Know The Symptoms
Detecting anxiety as early as possible is very key to reducing the effects on your health and relationships. Symptoms can be,
Mental: fear, panic, anger;
Physical: headaches, lightheaded/dizzy spells, numbness, racing heartbeats, sweating, shaky voice; and
Behavioural: conflict/quarrelling with people, isolation, impulsiveness like taking drugs, alcohol and indulging in extramarital affairs.
2. Reach Out. Talk. Let It Out.
Talking about it alone offers lots of relief. Friends and family should be your first port of call. You could also join support groups made up of mostly new dads.
If you don’t feel up to talking, write out your feelings. You don’t have to make a presentation to anyone, you will feel better just by writing it out and maybe realize how silly some of your worries are.
3. Exercise.
Go for a jog or brisk walking or hit the gym. It’s a known fact that moderate physical exertion increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, releases endorphins/feel-good hormones and reduces cortisol, a stress hormone that makes you hyper.
Too much exercise however can release more cortisol. Try 30-minute light exercise sessions, 3-5 days a week.
READ ALSO: 10 Ways to Help Your Spouse Bond With Your Baby
4. Fresh Air. Mmmm!
Doesn’t the mere sound of the words make you feel good already? Well, take the baby and go for a lazy stroll around the neighbourhood. It will help you deal with anxiety and also bond with the baby: two birds, one stone. Bring your wife along and we could go on to three birds, one stone.
5. Eat Right!
Remember you need rest more than anything else. What you eat could make you restless or not. For instance, too much carbs and sugar in your system will release too much energy making you feel restless.
More than two cups of coffee a day or drinking coffee in the afternoon is bad. It takes 12 hours for half a cup of coffee to leave your body. If you want caffeine, drink green tea instead.
Protein supplies amino acids that produce a feel-good hormone (serotonin) so eat more of that as well as different fruits and veggies.
6. What’s On Your Mind?
Anxiety is caused by worrying thoughts so we need to confront these thoughts. Take some time to stay still and examine these thoughts. They usually come as “what if…?”
“What if the baby doesn’t like me?” This is an unrealistic worry because your baby doesn’t know what it is to dislike anyone. Besides she’s probably looking forward to hearing your voice because she’s been hearing it before she was born and is fond of it.
“What if I can’t handle the financial responsibility?” – This is realistic. Analyse it. Do you have a job or business? No? Reach out, talk about it to someone who can get a job for you. Yes? Then take it one day at a time. Come on, bruv. You can do this!
So do you get it? You can beat anxiety by checking if your worries are realistic and if there is a workable solution. Take it in steps and you’ll be good.
New daddy anxiety is normal. Experts say that the younger the dad, the higher the chances of getting anxious. Not to worry, it should pass after the first six months if you follow our tips. If it doesn’t, get help because it could degrade into depression which is worse and could last a really long time.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing MIM.
Tnkx MIM for sharing
Thanks MIM
Thanks admin.