4 Ways You’re Probably Cheating On Your Spouse Without Realizing It

Sexual infidelity is said to be the ultimate betrayal, however, there are several other ways you may be cheating on your beloved spouse without even realizing or paying any attention to it. Like sexual infidelity, these may also have adverse effects on your marriage in the long run.
Find 4 of such ways below.
1. Hiding your money. A lot of married couples have ruined chances of a very vibrant family economy by failing to disclose their true income, spending habits and financial obligations from the very start. From funding series of private accounts to secret projects or investments, the financial policy in some marriages is, each to his own, and this is often at the detriment of family financial goals.
As companions and helpmates, spouses ought to complement each other at everything, and hiding money or investments from each other does not foster this.
2. Secret relationships. It’s not unusual to enjoy the company of another man or woman but if your spouse is not aware of the relationship, you constantly find yourself spending time with the other person at the expense of quality time with your spouse or spending time with them often makes you lie to your spouse in order to cover up, you’ve probably become too attached to that person. The other person is also perhaps fulfilling an emotional need your spouse is not but you have unconsciously resolved to self denial.
Even if you remain disciplined not to cross the line with this other person, perhaps an ex or colleague at work, secrets don’t last forever, so, your spouse will eventually find out and their imaginations may run wild, leading to distrust or even a lot worse.
3. Always airing your dirty linens. In the bid to find some solace, do you complain endlessly about private issues with their spouse to any third party that cares to listen, especially so-called friends who would easily turn it into the hottest gossip in town? Some individuals discuss issues with their spouses comprehensively, name-calling, making sarcastic comments, comparing to others and practically nailing their spouse to the cross. They then get home pretending like nothing happened.
Even if your friends constantly demean their spouses during discussions, refrain from doing so or airing your dirty laundry. Accept in cases of abuse, your private issues are better sorted out between you and your spouse.
4. The love affair with your phone. Your addiction to your phone or watching those movie series is not only robbing your spouse of quality time spent with you and causing frequent minor rows, it may also show they are not as important as your addiction. If this is not worked on promptly, you may both start drifting apart gradually without realizing it.
Photo credit: shutterstock
So true, thanks mim
I see… thanks for sharing.
Thanks MIM.
Tnkx MIM for sharing
Yeah right
So on point
Thanks MIM