Kenyan Mum Teaches 11 Year Old Pre-Teen Daughter How To Use A Condom

According to Uganda Online, controversial feminist, mom and doctor, Stella Nyanzi taught her 11-year-old daughter, Baraka how to use a condom a few days ago although many people argued that the girl was a little younger for the ‘condom-talk’.
According to what the suspended Makerere University lecturer and mother of three posted on her Facebook wall:
“I had the ‘condom talk’ with my eleven-year-old daughter. I explained the dangers of unprotected s*x, without blinking. Feeling like a Ninja-Warrior, I pulled out a packet of black condoms. She asked about the colour. I told her I preferred condoms that look like the real thing. Luckily, she did not ask for details about the colours of things.
“So I talked about the tip of the condom and how it is important to squeeze out the air before rolling it up the waiting specimen. We practiced squeezing gently in order not to tear the tip. She asked about how women with long varnished finger-nails squeeze out the air without tearing the condom. I referred her to her auntie with long varnished finger-nails. God bless their next meeting!
“And then I talked about disposing of the condom after using it. I was careful not to leave out any age-appropriate detail of condom-use for my darling daughter. And then I asked if she had any question.
When they switched to the question and answer session:
“Yes, Mama Stella,” she said enthusiastically. “I have a question.” What do you want to know?” I asked with a sense of foreboding.
“So, how big does the condom become if I blow it Mama?” She asked. “Oh, big, I guess,” I replied cautiously.
“Please, please, please Mama Stella, can I blow it and see?” she asked. “Sure. Here,” I said as I held out a condom.
“Eeeooww,” she made a face at the oily lube on the condom. “For smooth entry and travel,” I explained.
“And then my daughter blew and blew and blew the condom. It got much bigger than the balloons we usually blow to decorate our party rooms.
“She put it onto her belly-button and it nearly touched the floor. We laughed at the joke. And then, just as the child she is, my daughter began to play catch with the blown condom. She threw it up into the air and reached up to get it. Our condom talk was over!”
Photo credit: Facebook
Wonderful Lecture ……
Is that what is paramount for her right now?
Good for them.
Hmmmm… Its well o.
Why was it taped and on social media tho?
Na dem sabi, maybe they live their lives on social media and they want others too to learn…..#justsaying
Double wahala for dead body