Read How 11 Year Old Boy Born Without Arms Or Legs Refuses To Let His Condition Affect Him

This is an inspiring story of an 11-year-old boy Tiyo Satrio born without arms or legs but doing interesting things everybody should read about.
Despite his condition, Tiyo from Penawangan village, West Java, Indonesia, writes, plays a video game and does mostly what every other person with hands can do, like unwrapping sweets with his mouth.
The reports that the youngster has refused to let his condition affect him. Although he needs help to get dressed and move around, he is so good at writing with a pen in his mouth he has kept up with classmates.
Throughout her pregnancy, Mimi had no idea her baby had no limbs. Even after delivery, she wasn’t immediately told about his child’s condition.
“The midwife said everything was normal,” Mimi recalled. She said he’s good, normal, healthy. I gave birth in the middle of the night and was told the next afternoon.”
At first, she was shocked when they broke the news to her but she quickly realised she had no choice but to cope with the situation.
“I was surprised. I thought he would be normal like my other children then I have the youngest in that condition. Now I feel fine, just normal about it and accepting.”
Mimi and Wawan also have four grown-up children, but they all live in other areas so can’t pitch in.
They took up caring for Tiyo as a full-time job.
Her husband said: “Taking care of Tiyo every day, we can’t go anywhere. If we work we can’t take care of Tiyo.”
The couple does get some help from the school their son attends. It’s called SLB Firdaus and every morning he’s picked up on a motorbike so he can go to lessons.
The physically challenged boy is especially good at maths and religious studies, and he’s managed to keep pace with the others in his class.
“Tiyo’s IQ is good,” his headteacher Budiwati explained.
“Now he is second grade and he can do fourth-grade mathematics problems, such as multiplication and division.”
Initially going to school was hard for Tiyo because he felt so self-conscious.
Though, things improved, and now he gets help from his classmates and teachers who all push him in his wheelchair.
Tiyo is all about his PlayStation when he isn’t at school. He’s learnt to use it with his chin and loves challenging his friends to games.
“After taking a bath he plays PS until the teacher picks him up,” Mimi said.
“After school, he plays again. Every day he plays PS.”
So amazing
AWWWWWW this is amazing. In every disability there’s ability.
Gosh!!!!! He’s an amazing kid.
Awww! Amazing story
Wow!.. He’s such a great kid.
Amazing kid