Pregnant & Working: How To Stay Healthy & Productive In The Workplace

Working during pregnancy can be challenging, especially for women who have to deal with discomforts in the workplace. It is, however, not impossible. Here are five tips for pregnant working women on staying safe, healthy and productive on the job.
1. Avoid anything that triggers nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting are signs of morning sickness during pregnancy but they can occur at any time of the day. So, in order not to constantly run to the toilet at work, avoid food, smell, or drinks that can nauseate you. Also, sit close to the door during meetings at work so that you can escape to the toilet without distracting anyone.
2. Take snacks often and drink plenty of fluids
Taking snacks like crackers and other bland foods can keep you from feeling nauseated. Always have a healthy supply of these snacks in your drawers. The importance of water can also not be overemphasized here. Sip on water all day long from a bottle of water you keep on your desk. Do not forget to have Ginger ale or ginger tea handy.
3. Take short and frequent breaks
Do not wait till lunch time to get up and move around. Stretch to relieve aches, pains and stiffness as often as you can and move around for a few minutes till you feel re-energized. Also, if you have an office to yourself, you can turn off the lights for a few minutes, close your eyes and raise your feet up or you can use part of your lunch hour to nap in your car. Always take food rich in iron and protein, including poultry, seafood, leafy green vegetables, iron-fortified whole-grain cereal and beans to prevent fatigue.
4. Dealing with bouts of forgetfulness
If you’re dealing with bouts of forgetfulness during pregnancy, or what is sometimes called momnesia or “pregnancy brain”, take copious notes during meetings and do your most challenging tasks first thing in the morning or when you’re feeling your best. Don’t take on extra duties that you cannot handle.
5. Sleep early after each day’s work
Nothing rejuvenates the body like sleep and you should get a minimum of seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Rest on your left side to maximize blood flow to your baby and ease swelling. Then, place pillows between your legs and under your belly.
In addition, do not expose your pregnancy to risks in your workplace. Speak with your boss to reassign you to a safer location if your job involves exposure to chemicals, infection risks or intense physical demands.
thanx mim
Well noted! Thanks for sharing
Thanks a lot, this will help.
Thanks MIM.
Thanks so much
Infact i am happy sharing from this message. Thanks alot. Please MIM i do feel west pain at the back of my abdomen, what may be the cause?