Inspiring! 8-Year-Old Boy Opens Bakery To Buy His Mum A House

Jalen Bailey, a talented 8-year-old boy from California, USA, has opened a bakery in his home with the hope of earning enough money to buy his mother a new house.
According to ABC News, the youngster makes cakes, cookies, tarts, and muffins in the California home he shares with his mother.
His mother, Sharhonda Mahan, revealed that her son has been baking for two years and recently decided to start raising money so he and his mum can move into a larger home.
The youngster, whose bakery officially opened for business on the 1st of July, said, “I just want one that me and my mom can be happy in.”
“He’s very excited. It seems like the more orders he gets, the more excited he gets and the more serious he gets about his business,” his mum proudly told ABC News.
She added, “I guess I would wrap it into feeling overwhelmed with joy. I’ve always wanted to raise him to be a selfless individual.”
Jalen obtained permits, with the help of his mother, in order to prepare goods in his private kitchen, and his bakery has its own website.
According to his mum, the young, aspiring entrepreneur’s specialty is his peanut butter cookies.
Sources say Jalen recently went to his first business mixer, where he networked with other local bakers and raised money for his back-to-school drive for homeless children. It was gathered that one man offered to donate an oven so Jalen could bake even more cookies.
“I said I wanted to be a millionaire, I thought that wasn’t possible, but now I think it is,” Jalen told KFSN-TV.
The youngster has filled 40 orders in three days since his business started booming from all the media attention, his mother disclosed.
“I hope that when he grows up, he keeps the same values at his core,” Mahan said of her son, who has dreams of someday competing on a cooking show.
Photo credit: KFSN
Awwwww… May God bless his efforts.
Wow his mother trained him well
Awwwwww he is a big boy already at 8 wow. God bless his hustle.
May God bless him….So inspiring
Am inspired
Boy keep it up
wow.wat a kid
Kids like this warms my heart
Wow! What a wonderful son