Unbelievable! Zambian Mum Confesses To Sleeping With Her Son Once A Week To Sustain His Wealth
by Jumoke Simi
August 9, 2016

This weird story reveals the secret behind the success of a young man whose 52-year-old mother, Yvonne Banda, confessed to having sex with him every other Wednesday in order to prolong his wealth.
According to reports, Banda, from Ndola District, a rich commercial town in the Copperbelt Province, known for its prowess in mining, had taken her son, Abel, to a witch doctor in 2002 to help him get rich. Parts of the diabolical requirement was for her to sleep with the young man on a regular basis so that his acquired wealth would not diminish. Since then, mother and son have been engaged in an incestuous relationship.
Banda said since she and her son began having sex, he has grown into a very rich man who has spread his tentacles into the transportation business. He now owns a fleet of trucks, buses and other vehicles.
She also confessed that, lately, she has been very worried of because she feels like she is growing weaker each day and she fears she might not be able to keep up with the requirement in the next coming years.
It is believed that when she stops sleeping with him, all her son’s hard earned wealth will vanish into thin air and he will die a very painful death.
Banda made this shocking confession at the Great Kingdom church in Zambia whereafter, the pastor prayed for her to sin no more. However, reports say since she could not bear to see her son suffer and die, she went back to being the keeper of his riches by sleeping with him every other week.
This is ridiculous, clear people have sold their minds to the Devi
The things human beings do for money are appalling. Hope the native doctor also gave her concoction to live forever? She is so myopic for forgetting there is an inevitable occurrence called death
Sorcery, witchcraft smh. Just because of wealth? They are both sick. Why would a mother take her son to a witch doctor for starters? And then agree to such condition? All for what? Wealth he would die and leave here on earth Hmmmmmmmmmm.
Lord have mercy…………..Sick sick people
Wow… Why do people put themselves through so much ordeal just to acquire wealth?..
things people do for money