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Nanny To The Rescue: How Can I Curb My Toddler’s Phobia For Hospital Appointments?

Nanny To The Rescue: How Can I Curb My Toddler’s Phobia For Hospital Appointments?

Our in-house nanny answers your baby, toddler and preschooler questions…

Q: My 3-year-old son hates hospital visits, even routine ones. He’ll throw epic tantrums, yelling so loudly and refuse to get out of the car. I practically have to drag him in most times. How can I curb this?

Toddlers don’t love stethoscopes, injections, drugs, vaccinations, and so on, associated with hospital trips any more than most adults do. So this is not unusual. Note however that forcing him to comply always may seem effective but adds even more unpleasant associations which will make him unlikely to deal with his fears in a long while.

These subtle ways may help:

* Prepare your son ahead of such visits in a relaxing atmosphere by letting him know the purpose of the visit and likely procedures he may undergo. He will likely ask questions which you should answer sincerely. If possible, allow him talk to the doctor on phone to confirm your claims.

* Validate your toddler’s fears, showing lots of sympathy and letting him know those procedures are necessary to help the doctor prevent or cure ailments.

*Read stories about visiting the hospital, get him a doctor’s kit for pretend play with his favourite stuffed animal and encourage him to watch Disney’s Doc Mcstuffins.

See Also

* Praise every little and major cooperative effort.

Your child may always dread the hospital but can come to accept it as a necessary evil provided you, his doctor and other medical personnel in charge of his healthcare show enough sensitivity towards his plight.

Photo credit: Google Images

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