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Nanny To The Rescue: How Can I Make My Daughter Drop Her Nose-picking Habit?

Nanny To The Rescue: How Can I Make My Daughter Drop Her Nose-picking Habit?

Our in-house nanny answers your baby, toddler and preschooler questions…

Q: My 2-year-old daughter is addicted to picking her nose. She laughs when I tell her it’s yucky and repeats the word. How can I get her to stop? I want her to drop this bad habit as soon as possible.

Your daughter may have allergies that constantly get her nose stuffy and itchy. You should rule that out first. Signs include frequent runny nose and/or colds, watery eyes, and sniffing. If she experiences none of these, then, picking her nose is probably just a habit.

Try out these tips:

  • Teach her how to blow her nose when it feels stuffy and subsequently use a handkerchief or tissue to wipe out her nostrils. Also, show her how to rub her fingertip around her nose when itchy instead of picking it.
  • Keep reminding her that nose picking is not healthy. Tell her germs can get into her nose if she continues. Remember consistency and continuity are vital keys to curbing bad habits in toddlers.
  • You could try putting adhesive bandages on her fingers to make them harder to slip into her nostrils.
  • Some children indulge in this habit out of boredom, so, spot when she’s bored and keep her hands busy.

Note that a dry nose may also itch. So, if you suspect dryness, you may spritz some saltwater nasal spray into her nose a few times daily to keep it moist.

To protect the lining of your daughter’s nose and curb the transfer of germs to other parts of her body, keep her fingernails short.

See Also

As your child gets older and uses her hands for more complex tasks like building Legos or constructing with arts and crafts, she’ll likely quit the habit on her own.

Meanwhile, consult her paediatrician if she picks so intensely it causes frequent nosebleeds.

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