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Mum Is Caught Assaulting Her Baby After Suspicious Husband Installs CCTV In Their Home

Mum Is Caught Assaulting Her Baby After Suspicious Husband Installs CCTV In Their Home


A shocking footage has shown a vile mum maltreating  baby boy in their home in India.

According to reports from Dailymail, the boy’s father, who suspected his wife of beating their son was horrified when CCTV caught her shaking and smacking the innocent child.

It was gathered that the worried father had installed a security cameras in their home after growing suspicious of his wife’s behavior towards their child.

‘I suspected that my wife beats our son, hence got a CCTV camera installed [in the house],’ the husband said.


At first, the woman appears to be playing with her son as she pulls him towards her before holding him up in the air but quickly pushes him forcefully down on his front and slaps his back repeatedly.

Also from the footage, the unnamed woman raises her hands high in the air before bringing them back down on his tiny body – only pausing to adjust her bracelets.


She then proceeds to vigorously shake the boy – even grabbing him aggressively by the neck.

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The tot remains motionless through the horrific ordeal – suggesting he may be used to the abuse.

The sensitive father, who has not been identified, has alerted authorities.


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