‘Buwa and I were the product of a short and abusive marriage that ended almost 30 years ago’ Stella Oduah’s Surviving Son Reveals Shocking Details

Tuoyo Etoromi Oduah, the only surviving son of Senator Stella Oduah has released a strong-worded press statement, blasting his biological father, ex-minister, Satchie Etoromi, for seeking attention over the death of his brother, Maxwell Chinedu Toritseju Etoromi, who died of brain hemorrhage a week ago at a Turkish hospital in Abuja, after he took a wrong medication prescribed following a tooth surgery.
He also said he will rather be a bastard than be called his father’s son, noting that there would be no connection between him and his father after issuing the statement.
The statement reads:
“I feel so heartbroken and distraught that during our time of mourning for my beloved brother, I have been reduced to issue a press statement against my biological father, Mr Satchie Etoromi.
Life is serious. It is not a Nollywood movie. This is madness. This is evil. This is defamation. This is attention seeking. This is opportunism. This is shamelessness. This is jealousy. This is abnormal. This is bitterness. This is shocking!
Buwa and I were the product of a short and abusive marriage that ended almost 30 years ago. To a man with many other wives and children. Stella Oduah is the only father, mother, carer and provider that my brother has ever known.
The Oduah family is the only Family that he has ever been part of and Akili Ozizo in Anambra state is the only hometown he has ever had.
I called Mr Satchie and the Etoromi family to inform them immediately my brother passed. I offered flights, accommodation and special care for him or the representatives of the family throughout the funeral. I offered to build a relationship and have a new start.
I was happy and optimistic. But i was wrong. Instead of asking about his dead son, he proceeded to use my brothers passing as an excuse to shamelessly insult my mother just like he is doing now, issue death threats and even ask for dowry from almost 30 years ago.
This is madness. Mr Satchie Etoromi’s motivation is not love, not grief, not reconciliation, not to reach out but to seek attention, bitterness, revenge, jealousy, abusive tendencies, possessiveness and maybe even genuine madness.
Mr Satchi Etoromi, I beg you with God to please leave us alone forever and let Buwa rest in peace. May God have mercy on your soul on for what you have just done. I wanted to forgive and reconcile but your recent actions and character have revealed that it is better to be a bastard than be your son.
This will be the first and last time that I will acknowledge and respond. Any further public words and actions from Mr Satchie Etoromi will be addressed through legal means.”
Source: Daily Post
This is crazy, this family should go wash their linens in their closet.
You see, I knew there was something wrong with that their father mtschew.
I suspected all was not well. They should let the poor boy rest in peace mbok
Na wah for some men. Irresponsible sperm donors everywhere