Angry Moment Women Revealed The Worst Presents Received From Their Husbands

A mother who was left disappointed after receiving an ‘unwrapped’ box of chocolates for her birthday and has urged other women to share their worst present horror stories.
Mumsnet user, Liz70 narrated how she spent her big day ‘running around after other people’ – and when her husband returned home from a work and presented her with ‘small bag of chocolates’, the gesture had left her feeling ‘undervalued and underappreciated’.
Read below…
Her post motivated other women to tell theirs below…
MaQueen wrote:
Years ago, DH went out boozing Xmas Eve afternoon (when he usually panic shops), and didn’t buy me a present.
Xmas Day morning, we wake up at his parents. I unwrap my present from him…and it was a little sample set of my favourite perfume – the thing that comes free when you buy a full size bottle.
Except… I didn’t get the full size bottle…his sister did! His Mum had bought his sister the perfume, then given the little same to DH to give to me.
I was raging. Firstly with DH for choosing to stay out boozing rather than getting me a proper present. Secondly, with his bleddy Mum for aiding and abetting his crapness.
He’s never, ever done anything like it again.
They are obviously not married to Nigerians Hehehehehehe. Nigerian men send you? They will even forget the datehat went boozing all afternoon xmas eve no try oh.
They should take a trip to Africa where people forget memorable dates talk more of getting gifts to mark them.
No bi small thing
Ih come to Africa in fact Nigeria and watch people tell you how lucky you are he even remembered and went as far as buying chocolates