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Nanny To The Rescue: How Best Can I Clean My Baby’s Private Area To Prevent Infections?

Nanny To The Rescue: How Best Can I Clean My Baby’s Private Area To Prevent Infections?

Our in-house nanny answers your baby, toddler and preschooler questions…

Q: I’m a new mum. How best can I clean my barely 2-month-old baby’s private area? Scared of creating room for infections.

You didn’t state the sex of your baby. A baby girl’s vagina discharges most of what shouldn’t be in there, so there isn’t need for any vigorous cleaning (even when cleaning faeces, do not apply pressure or rub vigorously.) It’s always best to use a clean, wet, soapy washcloth and gently pat along the creases and folds. You need not spread the labia apart. No need to apply soap directly as this may cause irritation. Pat your baby dry after cleaning.

If your baby boy has just been circumcised, putting him in bath water before the wound heals could subject him to infection, so clean with care. Wait for the gauze wrapped around his penis to fall off on its own before you clean him up.

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When cleaning, wipe the penis very gently with a soft, wet, soapy washcloth, and don’t forget to lift the scrotum and clean the base. After cleaning, pat dry and coat the wound with the prescribed antibiotic ointment. This keeps it clean, helps it heal, and prevents it from sticking to the diaper. Use the ointment until the skin’s tone is even with the rest of the penis.

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