Singer, Bez Idakula’s Wife Shares On Son’s Birth After A Miscarriage

Bolatito, wife of popular Nigerian singer Bez Idakula in a revealing piece shared on her website, opened up about her journey from losing a baby to welcoming their son, Joshua, in July 2016.
She wrote:
“On Sept 7th 2015, I had a miscarriage. I was 10 weeks pregnant. Ironically, this happened on the day I got baptised. It was during church service and I spent a significant amount of the service in the bathroom; Bleeding. I still went ahead with my baptism because it became so clear to me that I needed that baptism. I needed the cleansing. I needed to be refreshed and to start anew and as I stepped in that pool of water, I felt God so strongly. I knew I was walking into a new beginning and everything prior was being washed away.
I still don’t know how that water did not turn red considering how heavily I had been bleeding a few minutes before but I had no doubt that something changed with that baptism…
I was not going to try to do what only he can do. And he showed himself to truly be Yahweh because in October 2015, I got pregnant again and in July 2016, a year after I shared my first testimony, I shared another testimony because he blessed us with a beautiful son.
When I found out I was pregnant again, I was in awe at how quickly God showed up because I truly never expected it. I thought it’ll take some time and that was fine with me. I wasn’t in any particular rush to get pregnant again but God does things in ways I can’t even imagine and he decided it was time.
Who am I to argue? I was so ecstatic. I was at a point in my life where I was waking up at 3am every morning, spending time with God and growing in relationship with the Holy Spirit and everything about my pregnancy was spirit-led (it sounds like cliché christianese but it really is the truth).
I found out I was pregnant in October but I didn’t go to a hospital until January. The first 3 months of a pregnancy are often the most delicate and it is after 3 months that you can usually be sure that your baby is going to make it. I decided to give my first 3 months completely to Dr God because quite frankly, I couldn’t think of a better Doctor.
I continued to wake up at 3am to pray and was always at work by 5am to begin my shift at the radio station. Apart from a cold a few times, I didn’t experience one bit of morning sickness. In fact, I continued to work out with a trainer after work until I had to stop.
As the pregnancy progressed, I had decided I was going to travel to the states to have my baby and also just to “hide” myself. However, that didn’t happen because once again I felt I was to have the baby here. Every time I was to buy my ticket or plan logistics, something came up and in my sensitivity to my spirit, I kept feeling I wasn’t meant to travel. I had been reading the story of Saul and something God pointed out to me was that obedience was better than sacrifice. God had already told me which hospital to go to from the beginning, so why was I looking for yet another hospital in the states.
Fortunately, my husband is also very spiritual and when I told him about my lack of desire to travel, he actually expressed that he had also been getting the same prompting, we prayed about it and we just had a peace with the decision not to travel.
This was also very tough because I remember someone saying to me that God can’t tell anyone to stay and have his or her child in Nigeria. I found that funny on so many levels because my daughter passed away in the states and if anyone understood that it was not a function of where you give birth but the grace of God, it was me. I made the decision I felt comfortable with in my spirit and even though I was also not sure why, it made sense later.
One random afternoon, my husband and I were having a conversation and I felt the baby kicking so I just said: “why don’t we call him Joshua?” My husband gave me one of the weirdest and funniest looks ever and I immediately wanted to back track because I wanted God to give both of us a name we would agree on. So when I saw his expression, I thought maybe it wasn’t the name. He then asked me why I chose that name and I explained that the name was dropped in my spirit. He then proceeded to explain the reason for his funny expression. Apparently the name Joshua had been on his mind for 2 weeks already and every time he wanted to refer to the baby by name, that was the name he wanted to call him. So the fact that I suggested that same name blew him away and he was amazed at the way God answers every single prayer. He kept saying: “God really answers all prayers”.
I think that was one of the most powerful ways we saw God work because a seemingly ordinary prayer, God answered for us. The name Joshua means: Jehovah is my Saviour, Jehovah Delivers or Jehovah is Generous. For us, we have seen God show himself in this name and in our son’s life. The generosity of God hasn’t stopped flowing to him. God continues to be a deliverer and it’s a real privilege to watch God work. God has done abundantly more than we could have hoped for or imagined. He has given us beauty for ashes, turned our sorrow to joy and has given us dancing for mourning just as he promised to…”
Read the full story on her website.
Awwww very touching story. Congratulations to them for having a cute boy now.
Congrats to them
Wow! our God is an awesome God. I am so happy for Bolatito and Bez for this miracle baby. One thing that is crystal clear in her testimony is that both of them have a strong relationship with God and he has proven himself as a true friend How i wish all of us will take a cue from them and renew our relationships with God knowing fully well that we can’t do anything without him. When i read her first story of how she lost her daughter abt two years ago, it was God all the way. The Lord will continue to bless the Idakula’s household and i pray that Joshua will live a fulfilled life ijn.
Wow so inspiring