Dear MIMster: I Am Truly Disturbed And Sad By My Pastor’s Revelation On Who My Future Husband Is

My story is a bit lengthy so please bear with me as my Pastor’s revelation has left me disturbed and sad.
I am 28years old and an entrepreneur and a youth leader in the apostolic church I attended from birth. I love God, I have always lead a simple and guarded lifestyle. But I still know how to have fun.
My first boyfriend was at University and we were together for over 6 years. He went abroad to study. In 2012, I went abroad to study as well when he was done and ready to come back home. We had the normal long-distance relationship issues but resolved them.
I came back home in 2014 and we started to discover how different we were. During our time apart, we picked up new desires in life, new friends and new everything so things didn’t work out as much. I spoke to my immediate pastor (youth pastor) who prayed counselled and prayed with me.
During prayers, he told me several revelations about my boyfriend. He said he was seeing another lady and I should be calm, everything would unravel itself. True to his words, we broke up in December 2014 and he got married in February, 2015.
In November 2014, before he got married, I went for service and met a nice young man at the NYSC camp, he was my volleyball coach. We fast became friends. He told the man-o-war commandant that I was his girlfriend when he was asked about his girlfriend, but nothing happened between us. He kept encouraging me during my relationship issues.
When my ex and I broke up. My new friend asked me out but I told him to go pray about it. I hesitated because he is Igbo and I am Yoruba. But my youth pastor encouraged me the whole time through prayers and told me to be open minded. We prayed and fasted and all I felt was peace and happiness, so we started dating after my ex got married.
He has been everything my ex wasn’t. He pushes me to be the best, he encouraged my business. Built my business website, sourced for customers, manages my social media sites and all, and provides for me with the little he has. He makes sure we go on dates at least once a month and I go to the spa because of my tedious job. He ensures our spiritual life doesn’t suffer too as we take a day of the week to pray and fast. He introduced me to his mother and siblings and we are planning to do our introduction next year.
I never had to impress his family to get their love which they shower me with, especially his mum, but I had to always break my back for my ex’s family and they never totally accepted me even though we are both Yorubas.
Fast forward to this week, the main pastor asked for me to see him. I went in and we started talking. He said he never knew his wife before marrying her, but God revealed her to him. He said when he went to the mountain years ago, where he was shown a vision that I am the youth pastor’s wife. He said he told the pastor but the man just laughed and didn’t say anything. (Pastor and I grew up together and even did our baptismal classes together. He is about 2- 3 years older than me but went to theological school after we finished at the university) but we never talked about a relationship or had those kind of feelings, at least from my own side.
I just told the senior pastor I will pray about it. I honestly don’t intend to. I love my man to bits and if the young pastor saw this vision too, he would have spoken up years ago. Why didn’t he? Why did he keep being a friend and encouraging me with my relationships? Should I approach him and clear the air or do I let sleeping dogs lie? I honestly don’t even think praying about it is an option.I think it’s already a thought set in motion in my heart, the moment I was told. This can cloud my thoughts and misinterprete God’s signs even if I pray. I know God is not the author of confusion but I am truly disturbed and sad. Please advise.
I just hope this is not a case of the pastor finding a wife for his subordinate? I so much believe in prov 18:22. If that is God’s will for both of you, I believe God can also reveal to both of you or give both of you a sign in that regard. I’m not disputing your pastor(but he shouldn’t liken his life to yours) but pray seriously about it
Akuko. Mountain ko, hill ni. Abeg don’t listen to them and loose your guy oh. Revelation they didn’t talk about since, it’s now they are talking about it mtschew abegi.
Me no believe that pastor jaree. If he were to be ur hubby, God wld have revealed it to you as well. Continue with ur man jaree.
This is pure ”planned work”. Don’t mind him. Go on with your relationship. Aren’t you God’s child too? If the youth pastor was truly d one for you God would have revealed it to you. God doesn’t play pranks neither does he confuse.
I understand perfectly how you feel, however I would advise you really pray about it as a wrong choice could end up in eternal unhappiness, may God see u through!!
You prayed and felt peace and so on what’s the confusion for……
Clear your head by yourself since the young pastor did tell you such then forget it and moreover what the guy has settled himself with God that he doesn’t want you…….
Funny enough it’s possible it’s your senior pastor who is match making you both…
Don’t confront him just ignore the whole thing….
Ignore the senior pastor’s suggestion joorr. If it was true, as the thing concerns you, the Holy Spirit would have dropped it in your heart too. In the things of God, there’s always a witness (……the Holy Spirit bears us witness. ….) – 2 is the number of witness. If the senior pastor got that revelation truly, another person should have got it too. SInce you’re at peace with your present relationship and also with his people please go ahead and don’t be drawn into any confussion.
You need not argue with or confront anyone, just ignore it. The Lord will see you through
Please continue the relationship you have and follow your heart. All these pastors always confuse people and ruin their lives.
Pray and let God reveal to you, don’t put all your trust on your pastor
pray abt it let God show u d right direction don’t rush becos a broken relationship is better Dan a broken marriage
As far as I am concerned, these two pastors are just using your head. Why can’t you also receive the vision from God? Please carry on with your boyfriend and desist from telling both pastors things/details about your relationship with your guy. From what I have seen, a good number of pastors make the worst husbands. Be wise!
hmmmmnn my dear carry on
God holds your happiness and not your pastor, change church so they don’t confuse you. Better run for your life . Don’t allow any pastor to confuse you with their so called visions. A word is enough for the wise
Believe it or not, the senior pastor want to match make both of you. There is no revelation here. Is a planed deal. Please young lady follow your heart. Not all revelations are to believed. I wish you good luck on your already God’s plan relationship with your boy friend.
I have a deaconess who God can use to help U out she’s also a mentor and a good listener but I can’t give out her number without her consent
Pls I’m equally in a dilemma almost similar to this , is it possible to ask permission from your deaconess if she will agree for her number to b given
My dear, I will advise you to apply wisdom on this issue cus it’s all about ur future and happiness. Similar thing happened to me sometime ago. God started giving me revelations on who my husband will be but all of a sudden, another guy appears from the blues with a proposal claiming that God have shown him that am his wife. I told him to hold on till I also get my confirmation cus God is not an author of confusion who will bring two people together without giving them a revelation of His plan. After a year interval, God clearly showed me in a dream that he is not mine. So I will advice u to pray over it and trust God for a confirmation. Don’t let anyone decide who ur husband should be when God have not given u an inward peaceful conviction on the matter. I advice u to apply wisdom cus ur senior pastor is a spiritual authority over u .If he insist on u doing his bidding, I will tell you to leave that church cus he can invoke a curse upon ur life as long as you are under his spiritual authority. I strongly believe he is trying to match-make u with the young pastor. Whenever God is up to something in the life of a person, the devil is equally up to destroy what God is about to set in motion. His motive is simply to steal, kill and destroy. So wait on God cus only Him can deliver u from the confusion the devil is bringing ur way